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The Book of Eleleth
The vision in the Chapel
Late one evening when I was lonely and alone in the Chapel of the Four Luminaries, the Holy Spirit came over me and covered me in a Golden Cloud. When I gave way to the perfect rapture, I heard a wonderful voice coming to me from all sides. I opened my soul’s lips, and my heart asked the loneliness: Who are you? And the voice answered and said:
“I am true Light, Light that dissolves the darkness of the heavenly velvet night. I am the force that pulls the veil aside for those who live in the kingdom of the warring forces. I am the Light that glows, that warms or devours. I am what you might recognize and comprehend in the Abode of Darkness, but rise and see me with the eyes of the Man of Light, and you will see me as ElelethEleleth is a luminary in Gnostic cosmology and one of the… More, the guide from the Fullness in this abode, and you will realize that you are SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More and Christ, Father and Mother, the indivisible unity. As I am one with the Father, so are you one with me.”
He reached to me with his hands. The left was as covered by bright peacock feathers, and the right as the doves’ winter plumage.
He then said:
“Be thou innocent as the dove and as cunning as the snake, and I will guide you, and the angel in you, on the paths of revelation.”
He then said:
”The light was moving. Darkness came to be. Search and you shall find, for the truth is wrapped in the very cradle of lies.”
I felt an infinite urge for freedom, union, and love. And the Infinite realm and the Light said:
“The door is the broken heart and the key is the reconciled mind.”
“I will teach you the truth about your origin and the creation of the Aeons, but only if you listen as a Living being are able to hear my words, for the Light is for the Light and darkness for the darkness.”
Suddenly, I was released from my abode and in the Light I experienced the beginning, even though my body never moved from the place I was seated.
The Origin
The origin of the Origin, is a perfect fulfilled and indivisible entity. He is not he nor she, as no such category can grasp Him. He is all qualities in perfect unity and harmony, nothing is missing, nothing needed, and nothing requested. He is the perfect rest in which He contemplates His nature in the great silence, in the Light surrounding Him of which is the source of the Living Light-Water.
He is a being, yet not a being as we usually perceive a being. He is boundless in His being for in Him is no limit, no center and no extent. He is like an eternity in an eternity; it is He who is God and the origin of the All. He is The Great Invisible Spirit which is above all that is, was, and ever shall be.
He has no part in the Aeons or in time. He does not exist in anything lower or higher than himself, since everything is in Him. But he is united with them all.
He has no name, as no one was before him to give a name; He is perfect, eternal,
unknown. He is God, the imperishable and pure Light. He is the invisible Spirit, and cannot be compared to a god, or any such a thing. The Invisible Spirit or Being is more than a god, as gods might be described or understood.
He is Life that leads to Life; He is Infinite filling Infinity. He is Knowledge that gives
Knowledge. Those who try to describe the Invisible Spirit have totally failed to describe Him.
Therefore, what can I say about the Origin?
One can say nothing about His being without restricting Him to a lie and describing
something other than first intended. He is the Father of all the Aeons. He sees Himself by watching the forms as they were in the beginning. He directs His passion towards the Light-Water in himself which is the Source of the infinite Life of The Fullness
The Mother
His motion became a reality, and the Providence of all came to be in the Light-Water. She is Mother of all. Her Light is like His Light. She is the unerring power, who is the living image of the invisible, perfect virginal Spirit.
She is BarbeloHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More, the first being of the Origin, and she took part in His being. She praised the invisible Spirit because She had come to being through Him, and His Light-Water. This is the first thought. She is the Motherly womb of all things, for She is the first. She is the Mother-Father, the first Man, the Holy Spirit, the Male-Female, the first who came to Be.
BarbeloHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More is one with the Origin, even as they separated, and in their union eternity was filled with Aeons in Silence. BarbeloHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More asked for five major Aeons, with their companions, to fill Her being with qualities, and Her will became a reality in their union:
- Thought and Spirituality
- Fore-thought and After-thought
- Immortality and Resurrection
- Eternal Life and Form
- Truth and Prophecy
This became the Pentad in Aeon of the Father, which are the qualities of the Holy Spirit in the Mansions of Silence. They are five double forces which together are One and None. They stood up and praised BarbeloHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More and The Invisible Spirit, who are the source of their origin in which they now took part.
The Son
After BarbeloHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More completed this work; the Invisible Spirit gazed into BarbeloHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More with the Light Water that surrounds Him, and she conceived by Him an indescribable, incomprehensible Light and this Light became the only begotten Son of the Mother-Father. He is the Light of Lights. He is the Divine AutogenesGreek word meaning “self born one” . In Sethian Gnosticism,… More.
In His ineffable Love, the Invisible Spirit anointed His only begotten, with his Love until he became perfect in its Fullness. The Only Begotten stood before the Father, and while the Light-Water flooded over him; he, now Christ, praised the Invisible Spirit and BarbeloHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More whereby he had come into being.
He asked His origin for the gift of GnosisHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More, and GnosisHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More became his companion. This is the creation which was fulfilled in the Silence, this is the Holy Trinity, and is thus known because they truly are One in Three, not three in one.
The Four Lights
GnosisHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More was great and gave rise to the Will and the Word, and these constituted the
movement and being of the Son. Through the Fivefold Power of the Holy Spirit, and the GnosisHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More of the Christ, and through His Will and Word, who speaks the silent language of the Father, Four Lights came into being.
The first light is Armozel; in Armozel is
- Charis (Grace),
- Aletheia (Truth) and
- Morph (Form).
The second light is Oriael; in Oriael is
- Katabole (Reflection)
- Aisthesis (Insight) and
- Mnem (Recollection).
The third light is DaveithaiDavethai, or Daveithe In Sethian Gnosticism, a luminary i… More; in DaveithaiDavethai, or Daveithe In Sethian Gnosticism, a luminary i… More is
- Dianoia (Understanding)
- Philios (Love) and
- Idea (Imagination).
I am the fourth light which is ElelethEleleth is a luminary in Gnostic cosmology and one of the… More; and in me is
- Katartisis (Perfection)
- Eirene (Peace) and
- Sophia (Wisdom).
These are The Twelve Aeons, which stand before the Son.
They all came into being through Him and the will of the Holy Spirit. The Fullness of the PleromaHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More is in these Aeons. They are one with the Son just as the Son is one with the Father. They constitute a movement and a rest, and an infinite existence.
Man By the united will of the PleromaHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More, the Perfect Man came to be a manifestation of all previous stages of the emanation.
BarbeloHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More called him Pigera-Adamas and put His consciousnessIn all its forms and protean manifestations, consciousness i… More over the first Aeon, Armozel, in union with the Christ. His powers were with him, and he praised the Fullness for his creation and for the GnosisHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More that was with him, in Christ and the Holy Spirit. Piger-Adamas installed Christ’s consciousnessIn all its forms and protean manifestations, consciousness i… More, who is SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More, in the second aeon, Oriael. In the third Aeon was Seth’s offspring; these are the souls of the Saints, and they live with and in DaveithaiDavethai, or Daveithe In Sethian Gnosticism, a luminary i… More.
In the fourth Aeon, He set me, the Fourth Light ElelethEleleth is a luminary in Gnostic cosmology and one of the… More, so that I could guide and develop Piger-Adamas’ children to the fulfillment of their understanding of the consequences of their GnosisHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More. This was done so that their will should continue the Pleroma’s fulfillment of the All, thus assuring its internal unity with the Origin.
These are the beings who praised the Invisible Spirit through their progress.
ElelethEleleth is a luminary in Gnostic cosmology and one of the… More pointed to the abodes of eternity and said:
“Everything that came to be, came to be in Unity, Fullness, and Harmony where unity and diversity are the same. This is a state that is incomprehensible if you have not seen it, as I have shown you now.”
I gazed into the Eternity, and was filled with an indescribable unity. This experience
occurred so suddenly, it was as if I had forgotten that I have always been in this state of unity. Then I was filled with grief over my own state and that of all the people in the world. How distant this state seemed to be from the worldly life; yet it is never farther than a heartbeat away.
Then ElelethEleleth is a luminary in Gnostic cosmology and one of the… More grabbed me with its twin-coloured hands, and said:
“What I have shown you will never leave you, and you will, for the rest of your life,
search for it in everything you see and in everything you hear in this world. You will not find a place of rest on earth, but this very search will be the cause of your redemption.”
The Fall
ElelethEleleth is a luminary in Gnostic cosmology and one of the… More said: “Sophia who was in my eternity, which is BarbeloHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More in motion, and the Holy Spirit as inspiration and the flame of creation stood on the cliffs of ChaosGreek χάος, romanticized as kháos commonly thought of a… More and found in herself a rising motion. This movement was not consistent with the motion initiated from the silence of the Fullness.
She created within Her a divided torn being in the image of God. An imperfect work
come out of Her. Her mind contracted, and she miscarried a pair of twins into the void, and infinite uncreated ChaosGreek χάος, romanticized as kháos commonly thought of a… More of opportunity.
The twins were fused; it was moving and had an unstable form. Its form might be
compared to that of a snake with a lion’s head. Its eyes looked like flaming flashing
lightning. Sophia then turned away in shame, and in the movement Metanoia came to be. This happened for the aid of all those who would be led astray because of the fruits of Her will.
She surrounded him with a luminous cloud and placed a throne in the middle of it, to make him passive and to hide him. However the being could be neither hidden nor made passive, due to the shadow of creativity within it.
On the throne the corrupt being saw his reflection in the clouds. It saw a throne in the empty sky with a mighty Lion with blood on his mouth caused by the damage he had inflicted upon himself when he broke his own heart.
In the Darkness the reflection made a dark throne with a huge serpent that meandered in disobedience to his own thoughts. Sophia gave the lion the name Yaldabout, and Yaldabout called his reflection Nebroel. This is the Ruling power; he stole the unity, fullness and eternity from his mother, who was a great flowing Light. He removed himself from the Fullness and the boundaries of silence. He made his own Aeon with a creative, consuming fire, which still exists today.
Yaldabout and Nebroel
The great angel Yaldabout considered the great demon Nebroel who is also called
Aponoia, madness, his vivid reflection. Together they led a spirit of procreation to his abode, and he made angelic hosts with his own reflection. Yaldabout, had however the unconscious images of the Fullness, through the Light of the Mother, in his being. He said to the great demon Nebroel, “Let us create according to our desires, so that we can reign”.
However, his pictures and understanding were given by his unconscious knowledge of the Fullness, through the Light of the Mother, and thus gave anything he created indications of its existence. Yaldabout said, “Let twelve powers be created in the twelve outer regions, as a circle of fire around our creation.”
Thus the twelve were created. Again, he copulated with his image, and they created seven angels in their Aeons, to move through the twelve, and make beautiful, but meaningless patterns for the development and future of the creation.
He said to the great angels, “Go, and rule over your given part of the heavens.”
The angels went, and the Zodiac was created, and they became the Rulers of Fate.
AthothIn the mystical realm of Gnostic cosmology, Athoth is the f… More: Aries
Harms: Taurus
Kalil–Oumbri: Gemini
YabelYabel, in Gnostic cosmology, is often considered the fourth … More: CancerThe part of this plant to use is the root. It is active for … More
Adonaiou Sabaoth: Leo
Cain: Virgo
Mobile: Libra
Abris: Scorpio
YobelIn Gnostic cosmology, Yobel is mentioned as one of the ruler… More: Sagittarius
Armoupieel: Capricorn
Melceir–Adonein: Aquarius
Beli: Pisces
He set Seven Kings over the seven planets, and each was set to work in the Houses of the Zodiac.
The first is AthothIn the mystical realm of Gnostic cosmology, Athoth is the f… More, Moon
The second is Eloaio, Mercury
The third is Astafaios, Venus
The fourth is Yao, The Sun
The fifth is Sabaoth, Mars
The sixth is Adonin, Jupiter
The seventh is Sabbateon, Saturn.
The rulers united with each other and created their own angels, until they were 365 in total. They shared their dual fire with the Kings: Yaldabout’s creative fire and Nebroel’s consuming fire. Yet Yaldabout would have none take part in the Light that he had taken from his mother and which in ignorance made him their ruler.
When the light had mingled with their confusion and darkness, the darkness shone as a gloomy golden mist. When the hosts were created, Yaldabout spoke to the spirits:
“I am a jealous God. You shall have no other gods before me.”
By proclaiming this, he told the angels and demons who were with him that there were indeed other Gods, and the seeds of knowledge were planted in them as well, for the redemption of all.
After this Sophia discovered that she was inside this darkness. She had been seduced by the disturbed powers into a wandering life of baseness. She turned and prayed to the fullness that Her partner would come to her rescue. The Unknown stooped down, and through seals and names He brought her up through heavens and hells. From the Aeons a voice thundered down to the ruling powers:
“Man and the Son of Man exist.”
Sophia could not return to Her own Aeon where She once dwelt. Instead, She was
restored to a place just above Yaldabout so that She could secretly guide his creation back to Her Life.
Sophia Metanoia, carries forever in Herself the pattern for this reintegration.
The Father gave His consent in the immovable seed of the holy restored men and women, who came from the great SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More. These individuals would plant Metanoia in the Aeons of the Rulers. Through Sophia Metanoia, the state of deprivation, could again return into the Fullness.
Sophia Metanoia came down to the world, which was as the realm of darkness. She prayed for the Rulers in their Aeons, and for their creation.
This extract is taken from:
Odegaard, Rune: The Key Sethian Gnosticism in the postmodern world