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The biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and Norea (sometimes husband or son of Norea), and the spiritual SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More of the Gnostics, often deemed to be the Cosmic Christ force. Gnostics say SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More put on the body of Jesus and led him out of matter past the Watchers (lower angels), so that Jesus is identical with SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More even when he had become Christ, who was sent by the Mother of heaven to dwell among mankind. Jesus also is said to be a descendant of SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More, in a miraculous way and without having been begotten.
SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More, as the son of Adam and Eve, is the first of the race of the Perfect ones, the spiritual as opposed to the material (Cain), and the psychic (Abel). Eve said, “For God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel.” The Gnostics interpreted this to mean that SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More is superior and not of the same carnal and inferior births of Abel and Cain, that he is based on a holy pattern superior to their pattern. SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More appealed to the great Invisible Spirit to obtain guardians for his seed, called the human race of the Perfect or the holy Generation of the Spiritual, so they will awaken from oblivion here below. SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More and his successors are described as foreign or alien, of a particular race separate from the rest of humanity and participating in the world of supreme powers. SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More ascended to the zenith of heaven, and then higher yet towards the world into which he will draw the Elect.
Adam dictated a book to his son SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More, who bequeathed it to his descendants down to Noah, who took it with him on the Ark. The family of SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More erected stelae of brick and stone; brick to resist fire and stone (often thought to be the Egyptian pyramids) to resist flood. Judaism has traditions about the sons of God who were thought to be the children of SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More and to have lived on holy Mt. Harmon at the beginning of human existence. SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More is said to be buried in the Cave of Treasures where the Magi found the gifts left for them by Adam.
Many allogeneous (channeled) GnosticHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More books are attributed to SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More, the most important of the GnosticHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More prophets, with “seed of Seth” a reference to GnosticHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More sectaries. A spirit named SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More is behind the books Jane Roberts trance-channeled in the last few decades. The Melchizedekians raised Melchizedek above SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More, who taken up into heaven for 40 days by the supreme Mother, who imparted to him the supreme secrets of the Mysteries of the PleromaHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More and told him of the inferiority of the created world. SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More also may have been a real person, a great GnosticHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More teacher named SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More, or who called himself SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More.
In the pharaonic religion of SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More vs Osiris dualism, SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More was the enemy of the good gods, Osiris, Isis and Horus. Some pharaohs were Sethi, with SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More as the patron of their dynasties. In the magical literature of Egypt, Seth’s name is used in magical invocations, and his handbook of incantations spread his name and his cult throughout the Roman world. The Egyptian SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More is identified with the monstrous Greek genie Typhon, who has a serpent’s body. The Egyptian god SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More was considered by the Egyptians to be the father of Hierosolymus and Judaeus – the ancestors of the Jews. The Gnostics reversed the good and bad Egyptian gods, so that SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More became good. In Islamic belief, SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More is considered to be the first “MasterOne who is skilled in the Wisdom of life, or one who is no l… More,” assimilated to Agathodaimon of Greek Hermetic literature. Agathodaimon, the SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More of Islam, is well known among the Shi’ite groups in Iran as a prophet. SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More is also identified with Setheus and with SethThe biblical son of Adam and Eve, brother of Cain, Abel, and… More, the earthly reflection of the Earth-Shaker. – Disk of the World