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Layers of Man – The Septernary Body
The Septenary Body
The Layers Of Man
Quick disclaimer: When using man or masculinity, we are not engendering any divisive terms. We are simply using the words that were used to describe beings, forces, and elements of science. Hence man is the body of the bieng: Hue-man, Wo-man, no-man, etc. Masculine: The positive, driving force. This article in no way is trying to insinuate anything is better or worse than any other thing, any sex is better or worse, and in no way is meant to be inflammatory, descriminate, or divisive in any way, shape, or form. We invoke peace, harmony, and favor. Now, let us get into it.
There is a Universal breath you might catch a glimpse of in meditation. There is life, and death. Then rebirth, and death. In a perpetual cycle, starting over infinitely. You might even notice if you pay attention while breathing, your left lung seems to take in the breath, and the right releases. You are reborn and die, in finitum. In Hindu mythology a star being born and dying happens in only one breath. When Brahma breaths in, creation is born out of chaos. And on the out breath, creation ceases to exist.
Your body is no different. You are born, then you will inevitably die. The Sun rises, and sets. In this, there are several layers of body. It is also said then, to die is to begin to live. Thus, we should always have this in mind, and always be getting prepared for our bodily death. Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, it is a fact that we all die. Whether you believe in religion or not, it is a fact that you do have a physical body. So then you should be aware of what it is, and who you are.
The Five Pillars

In my coaching program, I explain the basis of the fundamentals of the human systems. Called the 5 pillars, it is made up of the following:
Intellectual (Thought>)
Consisting of the Survival mechanisms, Skills, IQ, and Operational systems. This is the realm of thought. These unseen forces make up everything in the physical universes. All things begin here, in varying levels of impulse. From these impulses, creation is sprung into action. This is recorded in your latent DNA, and strings through your silver cord to the next level:
Emotional (Thought>Emotion>)
All thoughts travel through the nervous system to various parts of the body feedback system, making a record of the experience. These feelings and emotions are how you record memories and establish pattern recognition (I won’t touch that hot stove again). Varying factors register these signals and they provoke an emotional response in the body. As these impulses get recorded, they again travel in a mysterious way genetically through the DNA chain to another layer of the umbilical cord
Relational (Thought>Emotion>Belief>)
In the moment before taking an action, a flood of chemicals and choices arrive surrounding the mind. (Will this increase or lower my social status? Will this affect my relationship with x person? Is this an immediate threat?) Similar to the device used by fish to sink and float, we are constantly scanning our social hierarchy and survival rank as we travel through space time. This body is also connected to the social heart space, that intertwines as we connect with other lives.
Physical (Thought>Emotion>Belief>Action)
This is the cellular body, made up of your bones, nerves, muscles, organs, etc. your DNA connects with the previous two systems, and the following, communicating all the stimuli the body receives. (You hear a seagull and look up, and your body tenses to prepare to dodge any incoming fecal matter).
Self (Thought>Emotion>Belief>Action>Being)
Your Consciousness Matrix is a very complex computer, but even more complex is the music of the energy known as “spirit”. The entire matrix comes from something so infinitely dense, so infinitely small, so infinitely unintelligible, we don’t have the words for it. However, we get little glimpses. It comes in when you hear your favorite song. When you see your child running and playing free. Those moments when you lock eyes with an attractive stranger, and time almost doesn’t exist. That flow, that essence, is the glue that ties this whole thing together. That “antimatter” that almost doesn’t seem to exist, yet it’s non-existence is the only reason anything exists at all. Confusing, right?
That is what you are striving for. The reason I went into that whole diatribe is just to show you how much work you have to do in your life. It is a great work. This doesn’t mean leave all of your belongings behind and strip naked and meditate in the woods for 20 years. It does though speak to me to tell you this: Like a snake sheds its skin to make room for its new body, so must we. For in this new body, much greater things are awaiting.
In this “body”, every cell is singing a song. Or a note, if that makes more sense to you. You see, everything is energy right? So your cells vibrate at a certain rate. Your liver vibrates at a certain rate. Your nerves vibrate to signal something to the computer. Your computer vibrates back through those channels, to signal your muscles to flex, and you bite an apple. As the teeth penetrate its’ flesh and the juices explode onto the tongue, an explosion of electric and chemical impulses erupt all over the body. Your tongue sings its song to the computer saying, yes! This pleases me. The computer sends the “tele-message” to the waste department (digestive system) “Hey, incoming! You’re going to love this!”
If you are not experiencing life like this, are you even alive? We spend so much time chasing pleasure that we forget that it is around us and inside us at all times! This is the skin we shed. Every day, trillions of cells are dying off, and new ones take their place. Around the perimeter of the human body, you have several energetic bodies. Whether or not you believe in spiritual things, this is a fact. If you have cells, you are creating energy. If you have cells, then they are slowly dying, and giving off radiation. Thus the body creates heat. This is nothing new.
Now how does this tie into the spiritual realm? The brain can not see the outside world, so it relies on its five helpers – the physical senses. What these senses pickup get distorted by the mind and get transferred to the invisible perimeter around the body as energetic information. If you have a tendency to have negative experiences in the “outside world”, that will reflect in the inner world, where it travels through the chakra centers and then into the subtle energetic body.
This negative feed essentially is the same as you poisoning yourself. This starts to increase exponentially:
What you feel internally gets picked up by the mirror neurons and the external world.
How you feel internally determines how you view the external world which gets picked up by the collective unconscious, and the sea of “I’s” that is always observing you, gives you what you are vibrating outward due to the Law of Returns.
What you pick up from the external world affects your internal world, and transfers through the energetic bodies.
The Subtle Bodies
Beyond the physical body, Prakti, lies the invisible series of essences that surround the body that make up the aura and the souls. They go by different names, and are argued amongst traditions to try and explain things like reincarnation, and astrological connections. If anyone has any clarifications or citations, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at contact@activatedmasculine !
First: The Vital Body
This is the anchor between the man and spirit. Entangled within and around the body, this blueish and white energy has many names. Jīvātma, life force, ether, plasma, and lightning. Your subtle body is entangled with the spiritual plane through this mystery. This is where you feel the body’s electricity (body heat) emanating.
1/4-1/2″ outside the body, this invisible substance resonates around 20 cycles per minute. Closely related to the physical plane, it emanates from the muladhara chakra and balloons around the body. This is the layer associated with the five senses and temperature regulation. It has been described as a grayish blue, sticky spider web, which is where we get the definition plasma.
The etheric body is able to collect and distribute positive and negative charges. When you are surrounded by negative people and places, your etheric body begins to weaken, and you are prone to negative mental attacks. When you do appropriate “aural cleansing”, you restore this “force field” and are thusly more mentally fortified against attacks.
The questions you must ask yourself are:
Do I feel safe in my body?
Can I communicate with myself correctly?
Second: Emotional Body
Known in Hinduism as Linga-Śarīra, the emotional layer of our energetic body is connected with our sympathetic nervous system, this layer is where our feelings and fears reside. Imagine a fluid, swirling energy cloud around you, morphing with your current emotional frequencies. Also known as the Astral body, this is an energetic double of your physical body. It is said when someone goes through serious traumas, this is the part that “dissociates”, and is also responsible for “astral travel”.
Third: The Minds
The minds are broken into three parts: The Lower, High, and Meditative Mental Bodies, which reflect not only our neurological system, but also reflect over to the spiritual side.
Lower Mental (Negative)
Known in Hinduism as the kāma-rūpa, roughly translating to the “desire body”. The Negative Mind, or “low mind” as its called, comes from the reptilian and undeveloped parts of our brain. Just like the root chakra, these thoughts all revolve around basic survival function. Your protective mind wants to be part of a tribe, procreate, and detect threat.
If you haven’t developed this part of your mind you may have risk-evaluation problems, “analysis paralysis”, negative looping, and even risk-aversion. If you are challenged here you may be overprotective, jump into toxic relationships, or not be able to connect, as well as decision fatigue.
As being a part of reptilian function, it does have a sour connotation, but this function is absolutely necessary for survival. We must focus on balancing the low and high minds, bringing them neutral, to start to manifest.
The questions you must ask yourself are:
- Can I calculate the danger in a situation?
- In my urge to merge, can I calculate the danger in the situation?
Higher Mental (positive)
This is the Egoistic mind, the animal mind, which gives us the ability to reason.This area of the brain is more advanced, dealing with positive thoughts and emotions. Being the projection part of the mind, this is the “hype guy” of the mind. This is the “bet it all on black, we’ll figure it out tomorrow” section. Third body is what mostly comprises the collective mind – ego driven, over-confident, and short-sided. As with the lower mind, this needs to get back in balance, to a sense of wholeness or “meditative mind” where you can project positively, weigh the negatives, see a positive outcome, then traverse appropriately.
If you struggle in this mind, you may be a people pleaser, have a hard time saying no, or only see the “good” in people, without weighing the dangers.
- Will I allow myself to be hopeful?
- Will I allow myself to have the good things and experience the good things in life?
Meditative Mind (Neutral)
This is known as the spiritual mind. The spiritual “I” , or the “Atman“. As stated in The Ten Light bodies of Consciousness, yogis believe that the 1000 pedaled lotus at the crown chakra is part ethereal and part philosophical. For every petal, a complete thought is produced every second. This is called Thousand thoughts. The way these thoughts are processed is through:
- early childhood development
- societal programming
- culture
- your temperament and personality
- your disposition as an adult
We all have a certain baseline- protective, projective, meditative; but you either have a leaning toward lower or higher mind. All thoughts seem to manifest in that order, then with training, meditative (also called neutral). This again is the most suitable way to live: in balance. This is the point where you are the one driving the vehicle, and not it driving YOU.
Fourth: Arcline
Depicted as a golden halo in traditional spiritual paintings, this golden disc arcs around your head at the brow line. This is your personal vinyl record, which collects and records all vibrations both coming in and going out.
Fifth: Causal (Astral)
The Karna-Sarira is the mediator between the emotional and mental bodies. Karma is stored in this level, thusly called the ketheric template. Every action, thought and memory, contract, conversation, from every life is stored here. This is your DVD and DVD player layer.
This is the layer in between the spiritual and physical bodies: as in the first layer of the soul, and last (outer) layer of the physical body. When the body dies, this continues on. It is said to be gold in color, and the place of merger with the All. It has been said by people like Samael Aun Weor that most people won’t necessarily reach this level without the Great Union, and HP Blavatsky as being the highest subtle body.
Sixth: Soul
Also known as your “higher self”, or “Internal Guidance System” – this is the unseen, almost describable force that is all of “you”. This is the energy that makes successful millionaires leave it all behind for their “higher calling”, to serve something greater than themselves. (James Carrey)
When you feel whole, you are connected to your soul. You may be granted extrasensory abilities, deep wisdom or insights, or have out-of-body experiences. You will know when you are tapped in when you no longer have a childlike sense of good/evil, material desires, or have a feeling of “something else” being out there. Your soul is your guiding light, the one who leads you to the path unseen – the path where synchronicities, coincidence, and dejavu starts becoming an all too common occurrence.
The soul body never dies. It is with you through each life, and it is who you are going to talk to for eternity, so start talking nice!
Seventh: Integrated Spiritual
This is the layer of spirit. Also called chi, prana, ki, and ha, this golden shimmering light body is shaped like an egg and is the final hermetic seal. This is the connection to true Source energy, and is the highest level of vibration in our “space suit”. The cartoon Dragon ball depicts this as the “Super Sayan” flaming aura around the body.
Subtle Energy Points
Soul Star
Earth Star
Secondary Energy Bodies
- The causal body regulates the physical body.
- The mental body processes thoughts and feelings.
- The emotional or blue body holds feelings.
- The pain body records your relationship with pain and holds the energy of pain itself.
- The gray body connects you with beings from this dimension and others.
- The tar body holds the codes of your spiritual purpose and spiritual destiny.
- The silver body attaches to the Akashic Records, the memory of everything you have ever done, said, or thought—or might in the future.
- The silver cord connects the souls to the body while you are alive.
- The physical etheric body, next to your physical body, holds all the energetic programs affecting your health and well-being. It is the same as the tenth auric layer, which lies outside of the skin and associates with the tenth chakra. This etheric body can psychically journey separately from the body, as when one is dreaming.
- The soul etheric body covers the soul and holds its energetic memories, imprints, and needs. It can travel separately from the soul through the various planes of existence.
- The etheric mirror reflects your essence as human and divine and is a template for physical health and function. It is located in the etheric realms and mirrors your optimum human state to you, generating the correct and
Sources: (Contains Affiliate Links)
The Subtle Energy Body Practice Manual – A Comprehensive Guide To Healing