Our Mission: Bringing the sparks back to the oversoul
Every single one of us is a star, a spark of light that comes from the source of all life. Our mission is to show each individual that they are a source of unlimited power and guide them into tapping into their powers and channeling the light.
My Lord, my man of light has ears and I recieve all the words which thou dost speak. Now at this time, My Lord, concerning the word which thou didst speak: “All souls of the race of mankind who will recieve the mysteries of the light will be first within the inheritance of the light, before all the archons which have repented…
-Mary Magdalene, Pistis Sophia Book II Chapter 87
Establishing our first Temple
Our first order of business is establishing our primary location. This location will have a community garden, on site housing, a temple, and a private library in a gated plot.
Community Garden
Part of our mission includes teaching sustainability and self-reliance by creating our own community farm which includes hands’on education and “sweat equity” which gives our members ownership. That ownership creates in our People a sense of self-confidence and resilience so that they may grow and protect their families interests. Another perk is that we use our own herbs and materials to create our own tinctures and products, that our members recieve benefit from. Our community garden will have fruit trees, herbs, fruits and vegetables, and citrus trees.
Meditation Center
A main factor of our mission, as well as our ministerial practice, is meditation. We teach how to cycle and grow your energetic forces and stay grounded, by use of the plants and the Earth around us. Our meditation center surrounds a willow tree, which provides shade and nourishment for the garden every spring. The fresh spring cuttings from the willow are used for propagation, and the left overs are used as compost, completing natures Circle.
The Essenes teach about the balance of elemental forces: fire, air, water and Earth. With this in mind, we have dedicated our library to those same four quadrants. Awareness of self, reliance on self, belief in Self, and the right to defend ones self. Our mission ‘s homesteading Program includes bushcraft, survival training, foraging, cultivating and reusing things around us. In this way we lower our footprint, replenish the Earth, and make sure it is usuable for the next seven generations. Even if you are not a member you may come to our farm/resort and learn about growing your own food, food preservation, cleansing water, re-conveyance of material, and ayurvedic living.
our private school in hawaii
Our second order is focused on children’s education. This is going to be our first Hub in our International Educational Reformation of education, focused on indeginous history, holistic learning, and capitalizing on your own energetic potential. Instead of focusing on subjects the children will have no use for after graduating, we craft a specialised 8-point holistic approach to educating in a way where each individual can tap into their own powers, potential, and interests to set them up for success at the point in which they would like to start a trade or business. This will also help them handle negotiation and diplomacy at that juncture so that their endeavors may not only be fruitful, but peaceful in every event.
Global Re-education
The “Dragon School of Wisdom” reunites the youth with the magic of pixies through our private Minecraft servers. Using integrations through video games and sympathetic resonance, we craft an eight-point Curriculum to reintegrate your children with their natural rhythms and sync them with their own unique human capital capabilities.
Music and Dance
Our ministers teach djembe, kalimba, harp, drums and guitar. As well as basic music theory, composition and songwriting.
Nutrition and Healing
Ordo Lux believes: As each person has their own fingerprint, their genetic sequence is completely unique – therefore their diet, schedule, way of life, interests et al will be case by case as well. Each person will learn about their body and how to heal and sustain it to their own needs.
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“Minister Enid has unlocked deep insights within us we never before thought possible.”
Brother Steiner
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