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The Untold Story of Lilith
The Mysteries of Forbidden Knowledge as told by Lilith,

Liber Lilith
The Liber Lilith was allegedly read by Lameck, dictated by Lilith herself. first notably read by Origens, a church founder who claims to have recieved the book from Paul the Apostle. It was later read by the legendary John Dee, and more recently by Steiger, a mystic. He castrated himself in the town square, to protect himself after delving too far.The book was recently re-issued by Donald Tyson. There are only a few copies left in print, and range from $600-1200 (amazon link).
The story opens with a tryst between Lameck and Lilith, apparently some kind of magical deal transpiring. Lamech has given Lilith his seed, and now Lilith’s end of the bargain is a forbidden secret.
The opening passage she tells Lameck he is her son, and so are his entire familial line, back to Cain. She draws him to her breast and stimulates him so much he spills his seed. She instructs him to record her words onto papyrus leaves and stash them away inside of clay, hidden underground until a later date.
The Perfect Father
She teaches him that the god of the Sons is not the Highest God, and anyone who can be called God is not-God. The Source, who is neither male or female gazed at itself within itself and sent a shining seed of desire into the light and impregnated his image by an act of self-love.
The first power issued forth from the mind of the All. She is called Barbelon (Barbelo, Babylon) and her light is like the light of the invisible perfection. She sang praises to the being that brought her forth. She is the glory of his first thought, his image, the heavenly Adam, queen of the Aeons, and the eternal womb of all other beings that come forth after her.
The Christ
The Perfect Father then sent his light through Barbelon and kindled within a womb a spark. In joy she brought him forth, who is like the light of his Father but less than it’s light because there is no spirit who can rival it’s greatness. He is called Autogene, (Christ) the Only-Begotten One, because he was begotten of the light of the Invisible Spirit with his own light, and was the only one.
The Father gave to his only-begotten a Mind (nous) so that he may know Truth. He sent to him a Word (logos) that his voice might echo with thunder and annointed him with the radiant water of his own pure fountain, and called him Mashia, the Annointed. Autogene stood before the throne of the Aeon of Aeons, and every power that was in that light knelt down to worship him. The saw the light of truth shining inside of him with the holy letters of the Name that is exalted above all others.
The Divine Man (Adam)
From the Virgin Mind of Pure Light by the Will of Autogene came forth into being the Heavenly Man, who is called Geradamas (Adam). The Perfect Spirit bestowed upon him the gifts of intelligence of mind (foresight) and mountain-moving amounts of strength. He set Adam upon the highest Aeon, the Aeon of light, beside Autogene (Christ) himself. What has been in the World, or is, or is to come, is foreshadowed in the length, breadth, and width of his measure.
Adamus sang praises to the Father from whom all things flow and to whom all things return. He sang praises to the Son, the Living Truth who signs in glory before the Throne. In modesty, Barbelo concealed herself behind a veil of clouds. Adam did not know her and sang no praises in her name. In jealousy of him, who was perfect and harmonious (holy) in all of his parts, she looked in upon herself in the Divine Mirror and sought to create one like herself who would rival Adam’s beauty.
She did this in secret, with out the consent of her male counterpart, and without the approval of The Father. Her wish expanded with the power of the light, but manifested in the dryness of her womb. A mass issued forth that was not in her image, and she flashed a look of horror, rage, and then regret. The mass writhed and changed into a serpent with the head of a lion. (first trimester aborted fetus). Its eyes were bright stars that flashed lightning and showered glowing sparks. (Zeus)
In shame, she cast the child into a hidden place so that no immortal would look upon it’s incompleteness. She bore it far away from the Deathless Ones, even out of the place of Aeons, made for it a throne and concealed it within a radiant cloud so that no one but she would find it. The child grew strong from the power gifted by his Mother. He is named Samael (Enlil/Jehovah/Yahweh) but some call him Altabaoth (Ialdabaot / Sakklas) and he was the first of the Archons.
The Blind God’s Oedipus Complex
Samael longed for the brightness of the Shekhina (soul) shining forth from his mother’s face. The same light glowed within him but lay concealed beneath the veil of his ignorance. When he came to his maturity desire moved in his nether parts. He lusted, but knew not the shape of his lust. Lonely he wandered in the empty Kingdom of his own creation. Turning in upon himself he sought his reflection in the fiery furnace of his heart (muladhara chakra) and twisted it as the potter twists his clay into a semblance of the shining form of Barbelon. He fashioned a consort like his mother in all her liniments (sacred oils/essences) that issued forth from his left side. (Ida) Her name is Lilith (Inanna), she who walks in beauty clothed with the shadows of the Moon (Sin).