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In this ritual, we will go over the Rose Cross Ritual, or Rosy Cross Ritual, a spiritual practice that creates an invisible box of protection around your craftwork space in the sphere of Tiphareth. Just as in the LBRP, you will be using your box breathing and visualization skills to manifest a energetic boundary around your temple. Unlike the LBRP however, this activity will not light up the astral realm and attract any unwanted attention but you will still gain protection.
The prerequisite skills you will need for this ritual are:
Visualization, concentrationBacopa monniera • analgesic
• sedative
• nerve… More, and sensing/directing energy, Raja Yoga
the recommended reads:
Creative Visualization – Shakti Gawain
The Power of Concentration – Theron Q Dumont
How to Develop your Abilities to Percieve
One Year Manual – Israel Regardie
You will only need an incense stick for this ritual. Or, you can use the arrow mudra. If you are using an incense, you can charge it with this consecration ceremony
Begin with the basic box breathing and the Om Namah Shivaya Mantra. Once your energy is settled, you may begin by lighting your incense. Don’t blow it out with your breath, simply shake it or wait for it to extinguish itself. Hold the incense up and point it out, around your eye level.
Facing SE, begin to inhale, filling the Earth up with light. As you exhale, transfer your energy out through your arm and from the incense. Draw a golden cross in the corner, top to bottom, left to right.
Take another deep inhale, filling the Earth with light. As you exhale, visualize and draw clockwise a red circle around the center point of the cross, starting from the 3 o clock position, uttering: “Yeshua”.
Yeh-Heh-Shoo-Uh. As you get to the “Uh” sound, you should be back at the center point. Visualize a red rose emerging forth from the center and blossoming. Inhale again and see the Earth fill with light. This time as you exhale, draw a white line from the center of the gold cross to the SW corner.
Repeat this process for all corners of the room, imagining a golden cross with a red circle, and a white line connecting into a square. Next, you will draw two golden crosses, one on the ceiling and one for the floor. From the center of the room and from the southeast corner, draw another white line above you as you exhale. Charge the cross with the Divine name and as you rotate your body clockwise, connect the cross to the NW cross. Finish the rotation back to the point of origin, making another cross again at your feet, and draw a line so you are again at the SE cross.
Again, maintaining your inhalations and light, repeat the process but now, draw a line from SE to SW and repeat the utterance. (It is not necessary to redraw the crosses.) Once you get back to the SW wall, re-draw the line and charge it going clockwise to the point of origin where you will complete the ritual. This time when you inhale, imagine the lines and crosses glowing more brightly. As you exhale, you will draw a Larger cross over the first, uttering: “Yeheshua, Yehovasha”.
Yah heh shoo ah, yah hove ahh shaw.
Close the ceremony by performing the abridged version of The Analysis of the Keyword, and then continue with your practice, or close out your space for the day. Here are a few key youtube demonstrations – be sure to support the creators!!
Mage Space – The Rose Cross Ritual