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OroiaelOroiael or Oraiel, In Sethian Gnosticism, a lumina… More or Oraiel, In Sethian Gnosticism, a luminary is an angel-like being (or heavenly dwelling place in the Apocryphon of John). Four luminaries are typically listed in Sethian GnosticHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More texts, such as the Secret Book of John, the Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit, and Zostrianos. The luminaries are considered to be emanations of the supreme divine triad consisting of the Father (Invisible Spirit), the Mother (Barbelo), and the Child (Autogenes). Listed from highest to lowest hierarchical order, they are:
Harmozel (or Armozel)
Daveithe (or DaveithaiDavethai, or Daveithe In Sethian Gnosticism, a luminary i… More)
The second angel of light, Oriael, was given rule over the second heavenly realm. Three other beings were created with him: Pronoiapronoia – (plural pronoiai); Greek: πρόνοια, meanin… More, Perception, MemoryBacopa monniera • analgesic
• sedative
• nerve… More.