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NephthysNephthys (Nebthet in Greek) In Egyptian mythology; sister of… More (Nebthet in Greek) In Egyptian mythology; sister of Osiris, Set, and Isis; associated with darkness, decay, and death. In early mythology NephthysNephthys (Nebthet in Greek) In Egyptian mythology; sister of… More was usually regarded as the female counterpart of the evil god Set. According to one myth, NephthysNephthys (Nebthet in Greek) In Egyptian mythology; sister of… More abandoned Set, with whom she had remained barren, for her other brother Osiris, and then tricked him into cheating on his wife Isis, with her. The outcome of this conception was Anubis the jackal headed-god.
In the Book of Coming Forth by Light, as well as the Pyramid Texts, NephthysNephthys (Nebthet in Greek) In Egyptian mythology; sister of… More was said to be a friend of the dead; and also the counterpart of Mim, the god of virility and regeneration. Skilled in magic and logos, she later helped Isis collect and reassemble the slain Osiris.