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Brothers Of The Shadow
The ones who follow the “Left Hand Path”. The term “shadow” is used to denote that of physical matter, and not that of an actual shadow. It would be useful to cognize that the physical realm is merely a reflection (shadow) of a higher realm . (See also: Maya)
Just as spirit is considered to be pure energy, and matter – which is crystalized spirit, can be thought of as the vehicular world (shadow world) so then is Maya, the veil of Sakti the Divine Feminine Energy – the vehicle of divinity in Nature. (the negative pole) and Light being the positive polarity.
The Brothers of Shadow then are those who practice “Black Magic” with physical vehicles, (animal sacrifice, urine, blood, feces, feathers, etc.) Some, (if not most) religious and political leaders post – Hinduism actually fall into this spectrum. Some knowingly, some blindly following what they think is right.
Proper understanding comes from discernment, not from reciting scriptures verbatim. It is paramount to understand that most of these texts were allegories and codices, because throughout the ages philosophers, pagans, and thought leaders were brutally tortured, discredited, and erased from history. Thusly, codes were hidden in the texts, and many of the truths were diluted through mis-translations and through the purposeful rewriting of history