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(Sanskrit) A compound term meaning ‘‘self-produced,’’ ‘‘spontaneously generated.’’ It is a term applied in BuddhismThe teachings of Gautama the Buddha. Buddhism today is divid… More to a class of celestial beings called dhyani-Aupapaduka buddhas; and because these dhyani-buddhas are conceived of as issuing forth from the bosom of Adi-buddhi or the kosmic mahat without intermediary agency, are they mystically said to be, as H. P. Blavatsky puts it, ‘‘parentless’’ or ‘‘self-existing,’’ i.e., born without any parents or progenitors. They are therefore the originants or root from which the hierarchy of buddhas of various grades flows forth in mystical procession or emanation or evolution. There are variants of this word in Sanskrit literature, but they all have the same meaning. The term aupap¯aduka is actually a key word, opening a doctrine which is extremely diªcult to set forth; but the doctrine itself is inexpressibly sublime. Indeed, not only are there aupap¯aduka divinities of the solar system, but also of every organic entity, because the core of the core of any organic entity is such an aupapaduka(Sanskrit) A compound term meaning ‘‘self-produced,’… More divinity. It is, in fact, a very mystical way of stating the doctrine of the ‘‘inner god’’