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A word considered very holy in the Brahmanical literature. It is a syllable of invocation, as well as of benediction and of armation, and its general usage (as elucidated in the literature treating of it, which is rather voluminous, for this word Om has attained almost divine reverence on the part of vast numbers of Hindus) is that it should never be uttered aloud, or in the presence of an outsider, a foreigner, or a non-initiate, and it should be uttered in the silence of one’s mind, in peace of heart, and in the intimacy of one’s ‘‘inner closet.’’
There is strong reason to believe, however, that this syllable of invocation was uttered, and uttered aloud in a monotone, by the disciples in the presence of their teacher. This word is always placed at the beginning of any scripture or prayer that is considered of unusual sanctity.
It is said that by prolonging the uttering of this word, both of the o and the m, with the mouth closed, the sound re-echoes in and arouses vibration in the skull, and a¤ects, if the aspirations be pure, the di¤erent nervous centers of the body for good. The Brahma .nas say that it is an unholy thing to utter this word in any place which is unholy. It is sometimes written OM