Upon completion the incense stick should be pointed to the center of the Rose cross. Pause then with arm still extended, turn right, lightly stomping your foot to seal in the energy. Move clockwise to the South, and again trace the Rose Cross as before vibrating the names Yaheshua and Jehovasha. Visualize the beautiful blue flame following the incense as you trace the large Rose cross.
Point the incense stick at the center of the Rose cross and with your right arm extended in front of you continue to the right until you face west. complete the Rose cross with a vibrating name point the incense stick to the center of the cross arm extended, move to the right to the north inscribe the Rose cross in this quadrant and vibrate yaheshua and Jehovahsha as before. Point to the center of this rose cross of the North and with extended arm complete the circle. pointing to the center of the east rose cross where you are once again facing East. Pause and lower your arm momentarily. Point the incense stick to the center of the Rose cross of the east.
Now extend and raise your right arm with the incense stick towards the ceiling. Moving from the front east to the rear West. Halfway between the Rose cross of the east and west, point to the ceiling. Trace the Rose cross with the Incense stick there and vibrate Yaheshua and Yehovasha. Lower the extended arm to the rear or west and touch the incense stick to the center of the Western rose cross. Your body will turn slightly as you do this. continue moving now from west to east lowering the extended arm at the midpoint and pointing towards the floor trace the protecting Rose cross with proper intonation of the names Yaheshua and Yehovasha. Aim the extended arm to the Rose cross of the east and complete the circle by touching the center of our first Rose cross.
Pause and lower your arm momentarily. Turn and proceed to the right so that you are now facing the South. Raise the extended arm and incense stick pointing to the center of the Southern Rose cross and then lift it towards the ceiling moving towards the North. At the midpoint pointing to the ceiling, vibrate the name while tracing another rose cross. Touch the center, pause, then lower the extended arm back over your head to the North Rose cross where the center is touched, and the extended arm moves down and back towards the midpoint on the floor where the Rose cross is again inscribed. vibrate the name and visualize the transparent blue flaming cross.
“Ye-he-sh-ua, Ye-ho-va-sha”.
touch the center of the new cross and then complete the circle by returning the pointed incense to the southern Rose cross touching the center and closing the circle, extend the arm to the front of you and holding the incense stick move to the right all the way back to the east closing and completing the circle. The right arm is now dropped to the side. Extend the arms to form a cross.
then invoke:
“With me, unto thee. soul wise, soul eternal and soul merciful one. Be the praise and the glory, forever. Who has permitted me to enter thus far into the sanctuary of thy mysteries not onto my name but unto thine, be the glory. Let the influence of thy divine ones descend upon my head and teach me the value of self-sacrifice so that I shrink not in the hour of trial, but that thus my name may be written upon high and my genius stand in the presence of the holy one. In that hour when the Son of Man is invoked before the Lord of spirits, and his name, in the presence of the Ancient of Days. Amen
Now lower the arms and sit down quietly within the magic sphere. Relax completely and meditate quietly upon the meaning of the ritual and the invocations.
Ending invocation
“Christ be with me, Christ within me. Christ behind me, Christ before me. Christ beside me, Christ to win me. Christ to comfort and restore, Christ beneath me. Christ above me, Christ in quiet. Christ in danger, Christ in hearts of all that love. Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
try not to let your mind wander!
Who should not praise thee, Oh Lord of the Universe, unto whom there is none like; whose dwelling is in heaven, and in every virtuous and god-fearing heart. O God is our vast one, thou art in all things. Oh nature thyself from nothing, for what else can I call thee. In myself, I am nothing. in thee, I am self and exist in thyself-hood from eternity. Live thou in me and bring me unto that self which is in thee.
if your mind wanders, gently bring it back. Now breathe deeply, move your body, gently return to your normal, conscious state.