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The Sun gives energy and life to the entire planet, and strength to eyes. This prayer is for relief from eye diseases and for attaining brilliant vision. Its reading/chanting alone is sufficient. The vision is enhanced and eyes become brilliant. The prayer is addressed to Lord Surya and it is prayed: “by relieving me from my own bad karma from the past life, instill light in my eyes and cure all my eye diseases.”
It is said that one who reads this Upanishad daily will never suffer from eye disease and there will not be any blindness in his family. The prayer ends with salutations to Lord Maha Vishnu. It is best recommended to recite the following shloka during Sunrise a minimum twelve times consecutively and daily, (if possible 28 times to get fuller and quicker effect) after taking bath and on an empty stomachpetasites hybridus • anti-inflammatory
• antispasmod… More.
A copper tumbler full of water should be kept in front while reciting and then on completion, two drops of water should be dropped on each eye and the remainder be consumed. The Aquaphonetic vibrations absorbed in the water has a potential curative effect which one can experience after continuous recital for one Mandalam. (48 consecutive days). If the effects are minimal, then continue again for another 48 days. It can be continued for 3 Mandalams for more effective results.
The utterance:
Om Chakshushchakshuh tejah sthiro bhava, maam paahi paahi,
twaritam chakshurogaan prashamaya prashamaya,
mam jaataroopam tejo darshaya darshaya,
yathaaham andho na syaam tathaa kalpaya kalpaya,
krupayaa kalyaanam kuru kuru,
mam yaani yaani poorva janmopaarjitaani chakshu
pratirodhaka dushkrutaani,
taani sarvaani nirmoolaya nirmoolaya |
Om namashchakshu shtejodaatre divyabhaaskaraaya,
Om namah karunaakaraayaamrutaaya,
Om namo bhagavate shree suryaaya akshitejase namah,
Om khecharaaya namah, Om mahasenaaya namah,
Om tamase namah, Om rajase namah, Om satvaaya namah,
Om asato maa sadgamaya, Om tamaso maa jyotirgamaya,
Om mrutyormaaamrutam gamaya,
ushno bhagavaan shuchiroopah hanso bhagavaan pratiroopah |
Om vishvaroopam ghruninam jaatvedasam hiranyamayam jyotiroopam tapantam |
Sahasrarashmih shatadhaa vartamaanah purah prajaanaam udayatyesh
suryah ||
Om namo bhagavate shree suryaaya aadityaaya akshitejase-aho vaahini
swaahaa |
Om vayah suparnaah upasedurindram, priymedhaa rishayo naadhamaanaah |
apa dhvaantamoornuhi poordhi chakshuh, mumugdhyasmaannidhayeva
baddhaan ||
Om pundareekaakshaaya namah, Om pushkarekshanaaya namah,
Om kamalekshanaaya namah, Om vishvaroopaaya namah,
Om shree mahaavishnave namah, Om suryanaaraayanaaya namah |
Om shaantih shaantih shaantih ||
Ya imaam chakshumatee vidyaam braahmano nityamadheete
Na tasyaakshirogo bhavati
Na tasya kule andho bhavati
Ashtaan braahmanaan graahayitwaa vidyaasiddhirbhavati
This Chaakshushhopanishhad is in Sanskrit. This is a stotra of God Surya. Anybody reciting this mantra for eye health daily with concentrationBacopa monniera • analgesic
• sedative
• nerve… More, faith and devotion becomes free from all eye diseases.
- Ahirbughnya is Rushi of this Chaakshushi Vidya. Gayatri is Chanda, and God Surya is devata of this Chaakshushi Vidya. I am reciting this vidya for removing my eye disease.
- Om! O! God Surya let your luster, light be settled in my eyes. Please protect me. Protect me. Please remove my eye disease immediately. Remove my eye disease immediately.
- Please show me your gold like luster. Please show me light which shows your power. Please make something and see that I will not become blind. Please think about my welfare. Bestow welfare to me.
- I had committed sins in my previous births which are resulting in my eye disease. Please make me free from this bad effect of my sins and remove all my sins of my earlier births also.
- Om! I bow God Bhaskara (surya) since you are the cause of creating light, luster in my (everybody’s) eyes. Om! Very kind God Surya, you are nectar (Amruti). Hence I bow to you. I bow to god Surya.
- Om! I bow to him (God Surya) who is Luster of my eyes. I bow to him (God Surya) who is always sporting (travelling) in the sky. I bow to him (God Surya) who is behind everybody’s inspiration of (Rajo guna) doing something useful. I bow to him (God Surya) who has given shelter to darkness (tamo guna).
- O! God Surya, please lead me to the truth from non truth. O! God Surya, please raise me to light from darkness. O! God Surya, please make me immortal from mortal.
- God Surya is representing heat and He is very pious and pure. His luster and light is very powerful and beyond comparison. There is nobody as lustrous as God Surya. Anybody reciting this chakshushopanishad every day becomes free from eye diseases. He will never be a victim of eye disease. Not only has that but nobody from his family become blind. Anybody who teaches (donates) this chakshushi vidya to eight Brahmins, and then this vidya becomes very powerful to him.