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Golden Dawn Ritual: LBRP
The Lesser Banishing ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) is one of the most well-known rituals in magick.
This is derived from the Israel Regardie version in the Golden Dawn Vol. 1, and Damien Echol’s Guided Version, with a few modifications I have made to enhance and blend together parts. Let’s face it, we don’t have a lot of time in the modern era to meditate and create an efficient spiritual life. That said, be sure to stick to the basics until you are adept enough to understand why the modifications were put in, and how you can incorporate your own! (Pro Tip: Read the Story of Lilith to get a deeper understanding of why we do this practice, and The Golden Dawn books to understand the Qabala)
The Foundation
The proper foundation is formed in stillness. In stillness of both breath and in mind. There are many different techniques for many different outcomes, and for the intentions of this ritual (grounding and balancing energies) we will use the Technique of the Four and the Daily Awareness Techniques.
Contemplating the Shekinah
Israel Regardie: “Consider a point, having position, but no magnitude and note what comes up. Concentrating on this, focus on the imminence of the divine throughout nature, in all her aspects.”
The Fourfold Breath.
Seated in a chair or meditation pad, rest with your hands on your thigh. In front of you in the center of the circle is your book and wand. Imagine a large, open black box in the form of a cross. The box is so dense that no one can open it but you. Send everything you are attached to inside this box; every thought, attachment, feeling, worry, and fear. Fold up the sides of the box, and imagine as the lid closes it is so heavy, the sound of it makes it impossible to hear anything outside and find stillness. Locate your awareness, then bring it to your breath. Notice your heart and its rhythm. Now trace your awareness to your right index finger. You should feel a tingle, and then your pulse. Repeat with all fingers until necessary, until you are in your body. Once you feel your eyes settle, bring your awareness back to your chest, and then to your breathing. If you are shallow breathing, aim your attention to the lower part of your abdomen and take six slow, intentional breaths. Keep this state for as long as possible, and extend the duration as you grow more proficient.
Keep in mind that there are four pulses in your heartbeat. One-in-three-out. One and three are the kick, and in and out are the whooshing of your blood. You want your metronome to be as slow as possible, steady, and full of vigor.

Now that you have calmed down the body, use your mind’s eye to visualize a blue plasmatic flame. slowly draw inwardly a breath taking a 4-count. Then hold it in four 4 more seconds, and slowly let it go again counting to four. (The breath should be released, not forced out.) Repeat this at least ten times.
The Qabalistic Cross of Light
The Shekinah
Regardie: “Imagine yourself beginning to grow taller and taller. You are as big as the house, still growing and growing, bigger and bigger. The Earth is getting smaller. Your head is now Above the Clouds, towering Among the Stars. the Earth is now a small revolving ball beneath your feet. Move your head to look up, and imagine being surrounded by stars. Far out in the universe you see a brilliant, scintillating white light. This light is the Source of all life, and the point at which we will all someday return. Imagine this light growing brighter and brighter, and filling you with graditude, joy, infinite energy and love. Imagine and visualize This brilliant light, descending to form a sphere of light just above your head. (This sphere is about the size of a small dinner or salad plate.)
Say with pure intentions:
Let the Divine Light descend!
while bringing your two fingers to the sphere above your head
The First Sphere of Light Descends (אתה)
Raise your right hand slightly above your forehead. Remembering that tingle from your awareness exercise, form the arrow mudra and charge your arm with the power of the Moon. As your arm is charging, open your Root Chakra and send a grounding cord all the way back down to that small globe beneath you, the Earth Star Chakra, and then deep down into the center of the Earth. After your arm is charged, take your arrow and draw this scintillating brilliant light from above and into your forehead and into the center of the brain, into the very center of your brain. Vibrate with your words, “ATAHHHHHH” meaning “thou art.” with the intentions of vibrating to the “ends” of the Universe.
The Light forms the Base
Charge another “arrow”. the hand is now brought straight down to the region of the solar plexus and with it descends a great shaft of pure white light encompassing your now enormous astral body. As the shaft of light descends to the feet, vibrate the word “MAHLLLLKHOOOOOOT” מלכות meaning “kingdom”. Intentionally vibrate this energy to the “bottom” of the Universe.
Visualize and feel this brilliant way or shaft of pure light, which has descended from above and encompasses your tremendous astral body. Touch the right shoulder with this time, a sphere of light is formed just off the right shoulder. Intone the word “VEH GEDOORUH” which means and the power.
Move your right hand across your body and imagine that from this right sphere of light extends a beam of scintillating light, penetrating the chest and continuing through and just beyond the left shoulder. This time the left shoulder is tapped and another sphere of light is formed while you vibrate the word the “VEH GABBOOLUH” which means and the glory. In this manner is formed the cross of light.
Now, clasp your hands in a Praying position on your chest with both arms and elbows raised to be encompassed in the horizontal beam of light. Vibrate the final word “OH-lam” meaning forever, sending the vibration deep into the heart. Close with “aaaaamennnnnn”.
Slowly unravel your fingers as you finish the “n” sound until your fingertips meet in alignment. Give praise, gratitude, and set your intentions for the ceremony. Open your hands, as if opening the curtains on a stage. Imagine a crowd of angelic beings watching you and protecting you as you begin the act, as if you were in a play. Start to imagine a large upside-down vortex of clear white light beginning to form above the head as if the stage light just flashed on, moving slowly at first, then gradually speeding up at the end of the ceremony.

Now face the East. For the ceremonial instrument you may use a stick of incense, a ritual dagger, wand or the pointed index finger of your right hand. Imagine and realize divine light descending within you, all the way to the feet, and filling the center of the Earth as you inhale. Hold the breath for four, retaining the new energy you are drawing in through your fingers. Inscribe in the air before you a large flaming blue Banishing pentagram. Start at the lower left hip to your forehead, to your right hip, then to your left shoulder, then at the right shoulder, ending back at the left hip. Visualize in front of you a blazing blue, fiery pentagram. Inhale and see the chi filling up inside of you into your feet, until it fills up the now small Earth below you down into its core.
Inhale more brilliant light into the tip, and thrust the point of the dagger to the center of the pentagram vibrating the deity name, YOD:HE:VOV:HE imagining that your voice carries forward to the end of the Universe, vibrating and stimulating the pentagram on the way through, awakening the guardian.
With dagger still extended, take another deep breath and imagine that pure white light charging up your arrow mudra. Hold the breath but retain the energy and pivot your right foot 45 degrees clockwise with a slight tap at the end to seal the energy, and begin to draw a brilliant white line as you turn in place, (or circumambulate to your right) from the center of the blue pentagram and all around the room until we reach the southern wall of our temple.

Make the second brilliant blue, flaming pentagram banishing pentagram, that is starting from the lower left and moving to the upper Center. Take another deep breath, filling your feet with the white column of light, and send it deep into the Earth. Draw more chi with your fingers, and with a central thrust of the dagger vibrate the deity name, ” AH:DO:NYE infinitely Southward, vibrating the pentagram on the way. Both pentagrams remains aflame and pulsing, and is connected with the continuous glowing white Circle being traced by the extended dagger. Inhale and make these two pentagrams and white line glow brighter and brighter, holding the breath and retaining the energy.

Turn or move to the West, tapping the foot again, drawing the brilliant white line. with arm and Dagger extended, make the same type of pentagram as before as you once again score the dagger in the center of the star. Imagining three glowing pentagrams now, one in front of you, one behind; inhale and make them glow brighter. Vibrate the God name AY:HEH:YEH: sending the vibrational energy infinitely Westward, pulsing the pentagram on the way through, stimulating the Guardian.

Turn and tap your foot as you turn to the north, dagger still extended. Trace the line and make the same brilliant blue pentagram, and upon completion thrust the dagger in the center of the star and vibrate the deity name, “A:GA:LA”, making the pentagram wiggle as it travels to the end of the Universe while stopping your foot. With arm and Dagger still pointed, return to the East. Inhale as before, filling yourself with light, and increasing the brightness of the pentagrams. Complete your circle of white light by bringing the point of your dagger back to the center of the first pentagram.
Pause a moment, imagine and above all realize, you are standing in a flaming Circle with beautiful fiery pentagrams in each quadrant. Facing the east with arms outstretched in the form of a cross, inhale and fill your body with chi, flowing outward from your feet until it fills the earth. Hold it and feel it rush into the wrists and hands. Say and vibrate focusing on the flaming blue pentagram before you, say:
“Before me, Raphael”.
As we inhale, we see Raphael expand out of the pentagram before us, standing guard over our temple. He is wearing brilliant yellow robes. You can feel the warm, wet air of an early spring day flood in. You can feel his spring energy bringing light and love into your space. Vibrate his name:
the ” : ” means to stretch the vowels out- example: Raaaaa-Phaaaaaa-eeeeee-ellllllllllllll
As you vibrate, see the angel appear before you with the power of your voice. Now, without moving, direct your attention behind you, to the flaming blue pentagram at your back. Again inhale, and see Gabriel expand from the center of the pentagram, with her ocean blue robes. You imagine an autumn day, and feel the whoosh of the ocean breeze as she appears. Feel a vortex of energy forming and merging with the spring time energy of Raphael’s energy before you. Inhale and see her glow more brightly, as you vibrate her name.
“Behind me, GA:BRI:EL”.
Roll the R.
Again without moving, direct your awareness down your arm and to the southern pentagram of fire on the right hand side. As you inhale, envision Archangel Michael expand out from that wall in a massive red pyramid of light, through the flaming blue pentagram. A whoosh of desert air expands up your arm and into your nose as you inhale. Hold that energy, and vibrate his name. Say,
At my right hand, “MI:CH:A:EL”.
Without moving, direct your attention to the Northern wall of your temple. As you inhale, envision a blast of arctic cold air move up your left arm to your nose. Feel the inside of the nostrils burn with the cold, dry air as the Archangel Uriel enters your temple. Feel every sensation of winter inside of you as you envision him, flooding your space and mingle with the other energies blessing and protecting you as you perform your magic. Deeply inhale the blue energy and make that energy grow as brightly as you can. Hold it for four, and vibrate his name. Say:
At my left hand, “AU:RI:EL”.
Again, as you end the vibration, notice the sensations around your energy body. Your chest radiates from the yellow, life giving air energy of spring, swirling clockwise activating a red upwards triangle in your chest. To your right, the red energy of Michael blasts from behind your right hand to your back, almost hissing as it swirls and creates a vortex behind you. As you inhale, hold it, and understand that winter is just you holding your breath, waiting to breath new life again. Feel the intense coldness down your arm into your left hand. Spring life forth out of your nose, swirling yellow in your space. Feel and realize all four pulses. Spring is the breath out. Winter is the four second pause. Autumn is the rustling of leaves as you inhale, and winter is the final reservation of your breath. Now as all of these quadrants glow brighter and brighter they swirl faster and faster around you until they mix and turn white, reuniting with the Source above your head.
Lean your head up to the Father as Christ did, imagining his final breath with all of these sensations around you. Your arms are stinging and twitching with pain, and your surroundings are so intense, so vivid, you are almost in an altered state of consciousness. Before you, a flaming blue pentagram. Exploding forth from it, a brilliant yellow pyramid, swirling with warm and wet radiant robes of light. Behind you, the same scene swirls coldly in icy blue. As you hold your out breath, flaming intensely to your right is a red pyramid. Intense now is the pain in your arms as you visualize winter almost burning the fingertips of your left hand and cheek. The green pyramids’ icey energy flows through your left kidney, protecting it from all harm and intermixes with Michael in your right kidney. The yellow pyramid in front of you sends airy relief through your heart as it mixes with the watery vortex behind you. As you feel the sensation of relief, imagine the white circle around you electrifying and glowing vividly, as you slowly raise your hands up to the sky in the shape of a V.
As your hands move up, imagine the colors become more and more vivid, swirling faster and faster clockwise, until they turn into a massive upside-down white tornado of clear energy, swirling infinitely fast. You see the Earth below you, a tiny ball below your feet. Above you is the brilliant white light of the Source of All energy. Through this brilliance, visualize the Archangel Metatron coming forth to the Light to protect you, wearing brilliant white robes of Light. Inhale and see him expand, holding your breath.
With infinite love and joy, vibrate:
Above me, ME:TA:TR.ON:.
Mehhh-tahhhh-trrrrronnnnnn, rolling the R
Sending a pulse of awareness from the crown of the head, through your feet and into the center of the tiny globe of Earth below you. Inhale and envision awakening the figure of the Archangel Sandalphon forming, completely protecting and enclosing your temple from below so that no unwanted energies can enter this space. She wears a sandy colored robe shining brightly, swirling with the dust below your feet. Imagine yourself at the top of a sandstorm, Michael blasting purifying heat, with Sandalphon’s smiling brilliance pulling all negative energy out of the bottoms of your feet. Inhale and see her below your feet. Hold it, and vibrate her name.
Take a moment to see all of the Angels surrounding you. See all the pentagrams surrounding you, and see the circle of white surrounding the room.
Four around me Flames the pentagram,
Take an inhale making everything brighter, and say:
and in my heart shines the six-rayed star.
As you inhale, Imagine in your chest a six pointed star made of two interlocking triangles. The upwards pointed star is red, and the downwards pointing triangle is blue, representing the complete balance of all of the elements within our temple. Focus on the hexagram shining in your chest. Inhale, making it glow even brighter. Exhale letting the air out, but retaining the energy. Focus on the circle of white light and make it grow even brighter, knowing that you are putting even more energy into it. Inhale and hold it, and with your arms extended turn your palms facing upwards. Visualize wrapping your hands around the line of energy and clap your hands up together over your head, envisioning yourself pulling that white light over your head, closing like a dome and hermetically sealing your temple. Stretch your arms out to the sides and psychically hook your hands into the white line again, pulling it down below your feet. Clap your hands to seal the dome below you, so that now you are inside a shining sphere of white light completely hermetically sealed between the worlds.
Inhale and make the dome as bright white as you can possibly make it, hold your breath, and exhale.
You are now standing between the worlds, in a magical sphere of protection. Even after you leave, the energy will linger, blessing the space you are in. You have consecrated and cleared it of negativity. If you are finished with your work, zoom back in slowly, coming back to your normal state of consciousness on Earth. Just be happy you are alive. Be happy on Earth, be happy in your body. Continue to “Closing The Sacrament”, or continue here if you have unfinished work to do.
Repeat the process as before, but blazing the pentagrams in reverse. From the top center down to the left hip, to the right then left shoulder, to the right leg and back to center.
Repeat the Qabalistic Cross
“Imagine yourself beginning to grow taller and taller. You are as big as the house, still growing and growing, bigger and bigger. The Earth is getting smaller. Your head is now Above the Clouds, towering Among the Stars. the Earth is now a small revolving ball beneath your feet. Far out in the universe you see a brilliant, scintillating white light. Imagine and visualize This brilliant light, descending to form a sphere of light just above your head. (This sphere is about the size of a small dinner or salad plate.)
The First Sphere of Light Descends אתה
Raise your right hand slightly above your forehead. Remembering that tingle from your awareness exercise, form the arrow mudra and charge your arm with the power of the Moon. As your arm is charging, open your Root Chakra and send a grounding cord all the way back down to that small globe beneath you, the Earth Star Chakra, and then deep down into the center of the Earth. After your arm is charged, take your arrow and draw this scintillating brilliant light from above and into your forehead and into the center of the brain, into the very center of your brain. Vibrate with your words, “H’ATAHHHHHH” meaning “thou art.” with the intentions of vibrating to the “ends” of the Universe.
The Light forms the Base
Charge another “arrow”. the hand is now brought straight down to the region of the solar plexus and with it descends a great shaft of pure white light encompassing your now enormous astral body. As the shaft of light descends to the feet, vibrate the word “MAHLLLLKHOOOOOOT” מלכות meaning “kingdom”. Intentionally vibrate this energy to the “bottom” of the Universe.
Visualize and feel this brilliant way or shaft of pure light, which has descended from above and encompasses your tremendous astral body. Touch the right shoulder with this time, a sphere of light is formed just off the right shoulder. Intone the word “VEH GEDOORUH” which means and the power.
Move your right hand across your body and imagine that from this right sphere of light extends a beam of scintillating light, penetrating the chest and continuing through and just beyond the left shoulder. This time the left shoulder is tapped and another sphere of light is formed while you vibrate the word the “VEH GABBOOLUH” which means and the glory. In this manner is formed the cross of light.
Now, clasp your hands in a Praying position on your chest with both arms and elbows raised to be encompassed in the horizontal beam of light. Vibrate the final word “OH-lam” meaning forever, sending the vibration deep into the heart. Close with “aaaaamennnnnn”.
Close With The Calling
Before me, RAPHAEL”. Behind me, “GABRIEL”. At my right hand, “MICHAEL”. At my left hand, “AURIEL”. Above me, METATRON. Below me, SANDALPHON. Before me Flames the pentagram, and in my heart shines the six rayed star.
I now declare this temple duly closed. Any spirits trapped herein may return to your abodes. Harming none as you do so. Take with you the blessings
Damien Echols
Visualize crystal white light infusing the Earth as you inhale, and vibrate the name YEHESHUA. See all the light pass through you and radiate out as you vibrate, blessing anything that it touches on the way out.