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How To Deprogram Yourself
How To Deprogram Yourself
What Does it Mean to be Programmed?
Realize that programming surrounds us, but it isn’t always nefarious. From birth, our parents and grandparents were conditioning us to be integrated into society. ” Don’t do this, it’s unhealthy.” “Sit up straight.” “Be nice to your sibling.” These are all programs that we sometimes need to follow to get along socially. Sometimes though, they imbibe you with their beliefs, superstitions, and outdated cultural norms.
You unconsciously have all of these superstitions and beliefs running in the mind, and you unknowingly spread those onto other people. One day I was in the store and saw a child playing on a ladder. The child’s mother was unaware, and I spoke up. “You shouldn’t climb on that, it’s not safe.” That wasn’t my responsibility, but one of the beliefs that got handed down to me was, “It takes a tribe.” So all of us have a bunch of programs running, and to one honest, most of them are junk. This is what we will look at, and start to disassemble.
Every day your surroundings are trying to indoctrinate you into their belief structures. Here are the biggest influences:
- Media
- Religion
- Politics
- Internet/Social Media
- Celebrities/Influencers
- Family/Friends
- Work/School
Realize that you are constantly going to be bombarded with programming, and cleansing will be a constant process. Every day, you pass by 1000s of advertisements without even knowing. They say you can’t get a quarter mile without seeing a billboard for fast food. Everyone is judging you based on what you wear. (Nikes for example). They essentially shame you by “kicking you out of the tribe” for not having the newist Air Forces. Even while you are becoming enlightened to the subject ads are coming in from all angles, people are teaching you how to be “more like them”, and politicians are always trying to get you “on their side” and be more “American.” Social pressure will always be prevalent, and people don’t sometimes even know they are doing it. It’s your job to be aware, and delete all unnecessary files when necessary. You are not your favorite brands!
How To Deprogram Yourself
1.Always seek out the truth.
Question everything you think you know, and always seek clarification. This is the Game! Most people are okay living under a blanket of false ideals and choose the path that was paved out for them. These people are scared of the truth. You must embrace the truth, for you are different. The majority of society and religion are just cults.
Look at it this way. People stay in a religion that they don’t align with because they:
Don’t want to face judgment from their family
Are afraid of going to “hell” or being labeled “bad”
Don’t know enough about other religions
People follow their peer groups behaviors because:
They are afraid of losing their social status, or being labeled “not cool”.
They fear ostracization and more being alone.
So you see, the majority of the reasons we go along are all fear-based. Our biggest primal fears as humans are to be “kicked out of the tribe” and the fear of the unknown. This all goes back to us as primitive humans. 10,000 years ago, we lived in small groups of 150 people. If we were to be cast out of our tribe, we would have to hunt alone, fight off predators alone, and might not get a chance to mate. In those days we dated through social circles or by arranged marriages.
Fear of the unknown is similar in that we aren’t prepared for what we don’t know! This is where fear of the dark, death, and fear of success comes from. What if we can’t fight off a monster? What if we are the monster? The key here is to be seeking truth beyond sight. Question everything. Ask yourself, “what is it I am actually afraid of?” or “what would happen if I believed something else?”
2. Stop Judging Yourself
Along with dealing with fear, most people have to deal with self-judgment. As if it isn’t bad enough to do things you don’t believe in, you don’t want to add to that self-condemning or self-shaming for it. That is all part of the indoctrination machine – if we teach you to hate yourself, you will stay in line. Now I am not by any means saying go out and cause harm to other people and then feel ok about it. I am saying that people don’t need to beat themselves up for getting tricked, misled, or lied to. Shaming puts you into the trap of the mind and feeds a negative thought loop, which leads to negative and self-sabotaging behavior. If you want to break free of programming, you need to realize that this aspect is part of it.
If you want to deprogram yourself, you also need to watch out for your judgments, and people who judge or shame you. We are all part of this whole thing, and what happens when you judge others? You are shining a light on something about someone you don’t like about yourself. This drives that aspect of your personality deeper into the shadow. Think of the shadow as a field. In this field, there are moles. Moles are part of Nature and they are necessary, albeit pesky. So you block one of the holes, and they just dig a new one. Do you want to play whack-a-mole all day, or cultivate an abundant field?
To drive this point further home, how do you feel when someone judges you? You feel like shit. Do you want to go around feeling like shit and making everyone around you feel like shit? If you want to deprogram yourself you must step outside of your self, so that you no longer take things personal. You are not your body!
3. Become The Watcher of The Mind
You have to be aware of what you think and even more important – why you think the way you do. This is key! You must realize that most of the thoughts you have on a daily basis are unfruitful, fear-based, and the same as most people. Be careful of what you fear and desire while keeping your focus on the why. You are not your thoughts, and most thoughts aren’t even yours. You just resonate at a frequecy that taps into the thoughts already there.
A big part of The Ordo Lux program I created is knowing and honoring thyself. We have had a 50 year run on stuffing emotions down instead of processing them, understanding them, and letting them go. It’s really powerful to understand why you think and feel the way you do. This knowledge becomes a superpower when you really hone in on your empathy! Imagine a world where you could completely relate to another person and guide them through whatever it is they’re feeling. You become impactful, respected, and loved.
4. Be Cognizant of Absolutisms
One of the sections in my program talks about cognitive distortions. One effective technique of The Social Matrix is speaking in absolutes. “Everyone knows x=y.” There must be something wrong with you if you “believe different.” If you are really paying attention to this, you would see the Game here. If we listen, they are saying: “the tribe has this law, and you must follow it or we will kick you out.” “Everyone” implies an absolute belief, establishes social proof and credibility to perpetuate authority. This taps into that fear of social ostracism and being alone, and creates an invisible law or “social norm.” Additionally, they imply that you aren’t capable of thinking for yourself. “You should just let us do all the thinking. You just punch in, do what you want, and punch out.
Another similar trick of the Social programmers is to use cognitive dissonance. If you have ever dated a woman before, you would know that advice from your mom isn’t always helpful. She means well, but data is data. “Just be yourself” is trash advice. “Buy her something nice and ask her out” is complete rubbish. We all want to believe what we believe, and we want to believe what our parents say. They are our trusted advisors after all. The problem is, when we do what actually works – and get shamed for it. Also when we do what isn’t productive, and get encouraged for that behavior. This leaves us confused and spinning our wheels. Then we don’t take any action.
This also is a devious little trick used by Alcoholics Anonymous and Anger Management groups across the country. We stand up and talk about our rock bottom in front of a room of people. Our dissonance activates and we trick ourselves into thinking the strangers are our “best friends.” Our “best friends” clap, encourage and hug us, and before we know it we are bonded for life. Humans, especially men, bond through struggle. Also a form of trauma-bonding, this is how they turn these meeting groups into the cult-like tribes we know and love.
Lastly, beware of what I call “false traumas.” You ever gotten stung by a bee, and now you are completely immobilized at the sight of one? Ask yourself why. They did little to no damage at all, and you could annihilate the poor thing with a tennis racket. We tend to blow up experiences we had as a child to an extraordinary level.
One story I used to love to tell was moving from my childhood home. I ran across the street into the park, crying, and buried my toys. “I’ll be back for you…” I sobbed as I piled over my Ninja Turtles figurines with the warm sand. When I went back as an adult, I noticed something very disturbing about that park. Not only was it not across the street, but it was probably 20 by 20 feet. We tend to blow things way out of proportion, and this goes with memories as well. This leads to me questioning my memory. Did I even bury my favorite toys there, or did my heightened emotional state feel like I did because I thought it?
I’m definitely not about to go digging up someone’s backyard, that’s not the kind of truth-seeking I’m after. But it does lead me to question a lot of decisions and beliefs I may have had. When you are learning how to un-brainwash yourself, you must ask similar questions.
5. Don’t Get Stuck In The Self-Development Trap
You have to be aware of how you are self-programming as well. In my own experience, I noticed that I still fall into the “motivational Monday” trap. I will get on social media to look for something inspiring, then get on YouTube to watch some Goggins or Les Brown, and get sucked down the drain for an hour or two. I started listening to all my backward rationalizations and excuses and realized I was just running away from myself, acting like I was bettering myself by getting “motivated”. If you want to deprogram yourself, you have to constantly be aware of all the programming around you.
Stop looking for motivation, it’s a very weak muscle! Stop trying to fix yourself! You’re not broken.