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Are you totally satisfied with the way you’re showing up as a man? Or have you peaked in high school? If you feel stuck or like you’re kind of hitting a downward spiral in life it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s over for you. You can always level up, and you can begin reprogramming, unclogging and activate your subconscious mind so that you can truly live up to your potential and create new personal bests in every aspect of your life.
Most of us have an idea of what our dream life should look like. We have very strong beliefs about how we should be treated, and what we think we deserve out of life. When a catastrophe happens (CORONA), sometimes the train careens off the rails and we start to create more negativity around ourselves. This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The Moment Of Change
Other times, we have a “Scrooge” moment and decide. “I have had enough of this”. Inspiring us to finally make those changes. We set out to start a new diet or finally go get that gym membership, and for the first few days, we are lit with an internal fire the likes of which have never been seen. But what happens? Either something in life happens that gets in the way, or you inevitably lose steam and then momentum.
Has this ever happened to you? You get all gung-ho about yoga. You go out and buy the mat, new shorts, the nine. About a week goes by, and you get called into work. You say you’ll “make it up tomorrow”. What happens tomorrow, right? “well, I missed yesterday. I can miss today and make it up on Monday. You spend the whole weekend arguing with yourself about it, get completely frustrated with it, and that mat just sits in your closet collecting dust. This is our subconscious working against us!
This happens in all aspects of our life. In our career, relationships, finances – we set a list of goals, get all pumped to change but then we find a way to sabotage and blow the whole thing. But what would it look like if you took the reigns and got ahold of your life? Where would you be? The key to getting back in the driver’s seat is your subconscious mind.
In this video, Tony Robbins discusses how to completely take control and create lasting change in your life.
The limits of the mind are almost infinite. And it is completely possible to activate your subconscious mind and cultivate undeniable confidence in yourself.
What Is The Subconscious Mind?

The subconscious mind
Your Subconscoious mind is the part of the mind running the show behind the scenes. Think of an iceberg floaing in the ocean. Above the water, that is what everyone can see. It’s only about 10% of your total capacity, and it is what is mentioned in the bible that you need to tithe, sacrifice, and crucify.. The other 90% is under the water, which no one can see unless they dive. Once, you were a kid learning to tie your shoes. At first, you had to practice – the rabbit going through the loop over and over until you got it right. As a result of practice, you can probably do it with your eyes closed – all while chewing gum and talking to a friend. You took it from your motor function and placed it under muscle memory. If your active mind is the computer, the subconscious mind is your operating software. Once you repeat a pattern, it gets stored and you begin to do it subconsciously.
The subconscious also stores our belief systems, and determines everything we say, think, and do. It decodes what we experience, and filters through the data and determines what gets stored in the conscious mind. i.e. things that reflect said belief systems. This is the integral part, and we’ll dive into that later.
In the previous article, I stated you must be aware of and release your previous programming before you can take on new ones. You must take a complete itinerary as discussed in my book. All of your strengths, beliefs, and values. Think about which ones are yours and which ones you picked up from other people. Do these serve you, or are these beliefs holding you back? Journal a complete inventory of your mindsets. You now have a map.
The Shift
The new shift begins to happen when you look at your beliefs on paper. No longer emotionally attached to them you gain insight into how the Mind really works. Now make a plan, and decide which beliefs serve you, and which ones don’t align with where you are going. You must have absolute clarity on all aspects of your new life. What does your best year look like? How do you feel crushing your goals? Just like basketball players visualizing the shot, you need to call on your future self and visualize yourself into his shoes. Meditation practice will ease this process.
Your self image was created about you as a toddler, your actions told the world what you believed you were, and their responses confirmed or attacked your belief system – (arguments). Things you notice represent your beliefs, and your mind will subconsciously be drawn to those things. Or you could say, what you think about consciously your mind subconsciously works toward. This part of the brain is called the RAS (Reticular Activating System). It’s main function is to keep you alive, not to create a vast fortune for you. If you want to change your life, you must change what you believe.
Affirming Beliefs
One thing I find helpful is affirmations. I’m not talking about repeating some mantra like a lunatic, I’m talking about changing the linguistic pattern you use. You ever hear the term “speak it into existence?” This is what I mean:
Let’s say you have some negative self-talk. For example, you say hi to a woman and she rejects you. This goes all the way to a deep seeded belief that you are unworthy. What you must do is celebrate yourself for trying, and affirm something like this: “I always talk to beautiful women without hesitation or excuses.” This affirms to your subconscious that you are confident, you don’t make excuses, and you always communicate with women. You don’t have an agenda, you are not emotionally attached to an outcome, it’s just something you do.
Journaling Your New Beliefs
I have developed a workbook you can use to flesh out some of the things you think about yourself. The activity is to visualize and really feel into your body, the ultimate outcome, and use your behavior, thoughts, and language to create that reality. To do this, you want to be completely immersed in this new reality. You need to completely brainwash yourself. Pictures on your phone, journaling, visualization practices, even the optimization of your Instagram feed – you want to be immersed completely in your new goals.
Entraining The Subconscious
The funny thing about the mind is it can’t tell the difference between imagination and reality. What we are doing is tricking it into thinking imagined reality is the reality. To sum: Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. The subconscious doesn’t know negatives, it knows tangibles. Meaning this if you say to yourself “I dont want to go back to Jurassic Park, you’re actually saying I don’t want to go back to Jurassic Park” to the subconscious.
Removing Negativity
After you start reprogramming your subconscious mind, you must control your influences. Go on a social media fast, stop watching the news, and get rid of toxic people. Your subconscious mind will pick up on all the negativity and start to shape and form new beliefs without you noticing. Remember, we are changing our language pattern here. Who is masterful at creating fear based and negative language patterns? That’s right.

To win at this game, you must control your environment as well. Any negative people must get banished into oblivion. They are a cancer, and after just a few hours you will be drained and reflecting the same whack energy. You are who you surround yourself with and these trolls will drag you right down with them. They will eventually get you to snap and will make YOU look like the bad guy.
So surround yourself with positive people that fill your cup. When your cup is full, you lift everyone up around you. If their eyes don’t light up around you, they don’t belong around you.
Brainwave Training
If you want immediate* results reprogramming your subconscious mind, you can use brainwave training. Brainwave training uses binaural beats, that come in almost every flavor. Binaural beats uses auditory illusions created by playing two different ones in each ear. Your brain makes the third tone out of the missing frequency, and gets you into a state. Alpha, theta, delta, and different brainwave states
My Top Three Brainwave Trainings: (non affiliate links)
Perfect Practice Makes Perfect
Reprogram With Gratitude
It is imperative to be grateful for our journey here. So many times we get caught up in the day-to-day or trying to balance work/life that we forget that we are human beings having a human experience. Take moments out of your day to practice gratitude. I personally do the following:
*Practice gratitude at 5:45 a.m. “I am thankful for another day” and list for 15 minutes each morning what I am grateful for
*Practice gratitude on “enemies”. Make a list of anything you can think of positive about those people you hate and be grateful.
*Practice gratitude for food, water, good deeds.
*Journal Reflection – try and look back and see if you missed anything. We get so caught up playing the game that we forget those nice things people do for us. (women love men who notice things)
*Say thank you and you’re welcome more.
Let Go Of The Need For An Outcome
In an earlier example, I gave reference to talking to women with outcome independence. Just be present, aware, and grateful for the experience. You only get this once, go see all the colors you can!
Peace and Blessings