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This is a quick guide on how to activate your pineal gland
Quick affiliate disclaimer: I value ease of use, so I’m doing my best to have as little invasive advertising as I can. Therefore, I have added some affiliate links to the products you can use to help activate and decalcify your pineal gland. If you click the links a window will pop up so you can try them out, and I will receive a small compensation, (usually about .30) as an exchange for the value I’m giving if you make a purchase.
This commision helps us fight off cyber attacks and create ads to reach more men to help, so thank you for your contribution to the brotherhood in advance (if you so choose!) You can read all of our disclosures here
Medical disclosure: I am by no means certified in medical practice, I have simply spent hours practicing and reading the literature and studies, and come to my own conclusions, and you are free to do the same. You can read more about our health disclosures here.
What Is a Pineal Gland?
The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland, somewhat shaped like a pine cone and about the size of a grain of rice. Lt’s located almost at the center of the brain.
What does my pineal gland do?
The main function of the pineal gland is to promote melatonin production. It also regulates circadian and seasonal cycles, sexual functions, and mood regulation. I call it our antenna, and sometimes called “the seat of the soul”, has been famously linked with the third eye chakra by Madame_Blavatsky. Throughout our life it becomes calcified and inactive. In this article, we will discuss a few ways to decalcify and activate your pineal gland.
Why cant I fall asleep at night?
One of the functions of the pineal gland is to produce melatonin, regulate our circadian rhythm. Our bodies designed this function so we can adapt to changes in our environment (can’t see at night) and delivers hormonal changes (testosterone is boosted at 9 a.m. and around 5 p.m.) so that we can take critical actions (hunt/make a fire).
How Does Calcification Happen?
Sometimes the gland develops calcium spots, similar to a kidney. When your taking in heavy metals and toxins, your body’s ability to fight off infections and maladies decreases. Your metabolism also slows down, in order to reserve energy to combat the toxic intrusion.
There are a lot of factors like age, traumas, and chronic conditions that have a part. For now, let’s speak on the three main problems I see that aid in the calcification of the pineal.
- Heavy metal/toxins
- Blue/artificial light
- EMFs
Problem 1: Heavy Metal/Toxins
In this “New Normal”, we are exposed to a lot of things that were designed to keep us asleep, under the guise of “sanitation”. One, chlorine and flouride are ever present in our water supply.
Chlorine and Flouride in water has been proven to have some pretty adverse affects on the old third eye. This study suggests that children are reaching puberty at accelerated rates due to flourinated water
In most toothpastes and mouthwashes, flouride or a bi-product of flouride in the ingredient list.
(Here are those affiliate links)
I usually alternate between the Natural and #activated Charcoal toothpastes by hello, but I am using Crest right now – and I can tell the subtle difference even after a few uses.
Problem 2: Blue / Artificial Light
As industry standard, more and more companies are switching to LEDs. They produce more output for less, their cheaper, they last longer, they’re great!
If you pay attention to your subtle energy, you will notice that you feel more alert yet drained after a long stint of staring at a screen, or feel stressed after working in artificial lighting for long periods. These frequencies aren’t natural to our bodies, and they throw off our frequencies.
(everything is vibes, breh.)
You can read more about the effects of our screen’s blue lighting here.
(Bonus points for anyone who understands how push/pull works on your mind on social media. Drop a comment at the end of this post!)
Lastly, EMFs.
Count how many electronics you have in your home: TV’s, microwaves, digital blenders, smart watches, cell phones, iPads, laptops, smart meters – all of these devices produce electro magnetic frequencies. Go look at your roof. There is a mass of cables coming in from that tower outside producing electricity. EMFs.
While these devices are great, they keep you “connected”, entertained, and save you time. The price we pay though is radiation in our bodies, and that slows down our activation process. Say it with me:
(everything is vibes, breh.)
You can read about how EMFs lower our testosterone here, but I have to warn you – its shocking.
How do you decalcify your Pineal Gland?
There are quite a few ways, some are easy and some are a little out there – and some are preventative, but you will get instant results with these natural ways. Supplement with the woo-woo ways, and you will feel a massive shift, and have lifelong benefits.
Preventative Measures
Limit your screen time. Sounds like common sense, but practice and pathology are two different things. Schedule windows where you get back to everyone online, do productive work, and use all your screen time monitors.
Be mindful of carrying your phone in your pants, and using a laptop. The EMFs and heat from the battery were shown to effect sperm count in this study. Don’t let them scramble your eggs, man!
Turns out, laptops could lower sperm count

Try and get back to some semblance of normalcy. In times like these it may be hard, but try to get as much natural light into your eyes as you can and keep it dark before bed. The lack of darkness along with blue light degrades the pineal glands’ ability to produce melatonin.
If you don’t use it, unplug it. If you have ever escaped for some quiet time and noticed ringing or hissing in your ears, it is because you are surrounded by high pitched frequencies from fans, motors, and electricity.
Not only does unplugging that blender or turning off that TV (that bouncing logo) free up your environmental auric field, but it will save you money too!
Eat mindfully. I mean this in every sense of the word. Start with the shopping. Research what you are taking in, stick to organic if you can, and the more color the better. Most people eat for mouth pleasure, but not over here – we’re different. We’re the 1% baby!
This also means that any “Americanized” brands of food companies use the same water techniques on their foods. There are dozens of pesticides used on foods, including flouride.
For example grapes are sprayed with cryolite, and fluoridated pesticides. Then watered with fluoridated water. Then crushed, and mixed with more flouridated water to make wine!
So when I say be mindful, I mean it. There’s been trillions of dollars thrown at this thing. Do your research, check your labels, and make your opinions.
Synthetic calcium is another calcifier, and is present in almost all processed foods. “Refined”, “bleached”, words like this – look out for. You want certified, Non-GMO products.
Check out my list of 100 best foods here, based on the book 150 Healthiest Foods by Dr. Johnny Bowden.
Aside from that, prepare and ingest your food with presence, love, and intention. It sounds crazy I know, but it will change your life. Don’t mindlessly smash Cheetos down your throat – pay attention.
Notice how your body feels after eating certain things. It will tell you what you need, and what it doesn’t like. This will get you back in sync with the seasons, with nature, and help activate your pineal gland. If you need more info on mindfulness, this audiobook (affiliate link) was a life changer for me!
Supplemental measures
Next, we will discuss some supplements you can get right now to decalcify not only your pineal gland – but arteries, kidneys, and other glands.
Using these supplements and the strategies I’m showing you right now will get you back on track to being activated and achieving maximum efficiency.
In addition to decalcifying and activating your pineal gland, these supplements will help to promote healthy blood, heart, brain, and joints.
Again, I am not a doctor and this is not a replacement for any kind of diagnosis. Speak with a health professional and meet with a holistic healer, and make a decision that makes the most sense to you.
These are some of the things I have researched and/or tried, and what works for me might not for you. If you are on any medications, check with your doctor before taking certain supplements.
David Wilcock: How to Decalcify And Activate Your Pineal Gland

A lot of research has gone into iodine deficiency as of late, and some studies show that thyroid disease effects about 2 billion people worldwide. A diet rich in iodine has also been shown to activate the pineal gland.
Iodine deficiency creates imbalances in cognition, growth, and the distribution of hormones. Disturbances with the thyroid can lead to fatigue, brain fog, and weakness or go to the extreme, including cancer, goiders in the nodules – nasty stuff man.
You can get iodine from spinach and broccoli, but I’ve found that its much more dense in sea moss and kelp. If you don’t like the taste of seaweed (because you’re weird) you can also get it in liquid form as a supplement.
Shilajit is a naturally occurring, plant-based mineral made by prehistoric plant matter and if quinoa is a superfood, this is Superman’s cape.
It contains fulvic acid, and high amounts of gold, silver, copper, and iron with polyphenols and trace minerals like selenium.
Shilajit benefits include:
- Increased fertility and testosterone
- Improved brain function
- Altitude sickness
- Heart health
- Improved mood
- Gut health
Fulvic acid
Fulvic acid is created when plant matter breaks down. It is an ancient cure in a lot of cultures.
In western cultures, it has been used to treat eczema, allergic reactions, and respiratory infections.
Fulvic acid also has been used to replace thyroid hormones.
The main component of tumeric, curcumin, is the magic component to aid inflammation, free radicals, and lower cancer.
Chaga mushrooms
Why Chaga Is The “King” Of Medicinal Mushrooms (Inonotus obliquus)

Again, I’m not making any claims as a medical practitioner. There were studies done for decades on people, and the data speaks. Westernized diets are all full of things that are slowly diseasing us. If you want to activate your pineal gland, chaga and lions mane mushrooms can definitely benefit you.
Activator x
Activator X is a fat soluble vitamin made from cod or skate liver oil and contains components similar to vitamin K2.
Vitamin K is essential for maintaininhg bone density, blood coagulation, and the metabolism of cholesterol. It also prevents calcification in the kidneys and blood vessels. It also contains conjugated linoleic acid, which is the healthy kind of fat.
This is one of the sources of vitamin k2, and is full of nutrients. Ghee is made by clarifying butter and caramelizing the milk solids. It has been made in India for centuries, and is considered “holy”. We made some at work last week and it was the most gorgeous thing we’ve eaten in a long time. If you’ve heard all the raving about bulletproof coffee, this is the main component.
This tangy legume has been used for centuries to treat dry eye, constipation, acne and even liver disorders. It is packed with:
- Calcium
- Vitamin c
- Iron
- Potassium
- Phosphorus
- Magnesium
- Niacin
- Fiber
Apple cider vinegar
A long known dietary supplement, ACV provides many benefits like
Blood sugar control, weight loss, and gut health. A shot in your shake or on its own will do wonders for your gut bacteria and decalcifying your glands. (Make sure to rinse your mouth with water to protect your teeth)
Apples contain malic acid, a precursor to citrate, which has been alleged to prevent calcium binding in the kidneys.
Remember the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”?
Boron is a mineral found in nuts and legumes, and also as a supplement. It has been found to help with arthritis, bone growth, hormone levels, and brain function.
Neem is a tree that grows in tropical areas like India. The leaf extract aids in reducing plaque, heal ulcers, kill bacteria, and even has been used as a pesticide.
Use neem as a supplement to help treat ulcers, dandruff, and acne.
As with all supplements, make sure to talk with your doctor to make sure it’s safe for you to use.
One of my favorite things in the whole world. Raw cacao has many antioxidants and nutrients, and is used in spiritual rituals similar to ayahuasca.
By fermenting the seeds, and then cracking the hulls to reveal little bitter nibs, you get chocolate. These nibs made with milk and sugars turn into that dark, delicious treat that makes us smile.
Some of the benefits from this ironically bitter fruit are:
- Blood pressure regulation
- Cholesterol reduction
- Mood regulation
- Increased energy
- Aids digestion
- Clears skin
- Improves cognition
- Anti-inflammatory
This powder contains iron, copper, and the b vitamins we lack in our day to day nutrition. The superfood is good for aiding muscle use and anti-inflammatory uses.
The brain, the one muscle that uses most of our daily energy – benefits the most from this bacteria, with the help of it’s magnesium content and immune-boosting proteins.
This algae has been touted a “fix-all” supplement by ancient medicines.
What I find most interesting about this superfood though, is it’s anti xenoestrogen capability.
This modern world is plastic, and undoubtedly one of the most underdiscussed problems today is microplastic poisoning.
This 2009 study found that chlorella removed 90% of BPA from a controlled culture.
Gotu kola
Another ayurvedic medicine, this plant is closely related to parsley.
It’s wide range of uses varies from blood pressure regulation, to a boost in collagen production.
People also use gotu kola to treat wounds such as burns and small cuts.
In 2016, this study done with male rats discovered that gotu kola mitigated anxiety when the mice were deprived of sleep.
Gotu kola might have some impact on the liver, so be sure to talk to your doctor to discuss any possible side effects.
Side Effects of Shifting
Activate your subconscious mind to make a shift
Some of the possible effects of shifting the mind might include fits of rage, brain fog, rumination, and cognitive dissonance. But in my experience, the best way out is through.
And I’m not saying that I am completely enlightened, but I am definitely saying that even the slightest shift in your mind has a huge ripple.
Another Disclaimer: You can read the whole health disclaimer here
Ok here’s some things that are really out there.
Again, I am not a doctor. I am not a witch doctor. I am a man who has studied, tried and tested, and pushed past his limits and found out ways to activate your pineal gland. I’m sharing this work with you, because I want to see you LVL up!
Do not try this at home folks, do your research. You know you better than me. What works for me might not for you, but it’s worth looking into.
With that out of the way, here are some strange practices you might want to look into:
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini is one of the five types of yoga that incorporates breath work and stretching to channel your energy and achieve a mind/body link. Meditation and watching your breath channels deep concentration and connection with the body’s subtle energies. Read more here
Binaural Meditation
I know I’m beating a dead horse here, but I can’t say it enough! Meditate. You don’t have to sit down like a coiled snake for 30 years in the mountains. There are many ways to activate your pineal gland, and binaural beats is one of the fastest ways I’ve tried.
You can easily take a few minutes to softly gaze at a candle, or into a field. Focus on your breath, and practice gratitude for a few moments. This will tap you back in and ground you. Start here.
Sun Gazing
A controversial subject, but if used with discretion has been said to have great health benefits. Some of the benefits are:
Increased cognition and awareness
Increased dopamine, seritonin, and epinephrine production
Decrease in appetite
Increase in vigor and vitality
But, if you would like to learn about this subject for research and entertainment purposes, here is a link you can check out.
Wim Hof
So because we’ve created a society all about comfort, we lost touch with the inner power we have within us to adapt to harsh conditions on the planet.
We wear layers of clothes, and artificially control the temperature of our environments, leaving behind our innate survival functions.
Our immune systems, organs, and even cells were all designed to make us CAPABLE of surviving. The Wim Hof Method incorporates breathing techniques, cryotherapy, and discipline to really tap in with those systems, and literally reverse aging and disease.
Some of the benefits of the Wim Hof Method:
- Increased recovery time
- Reduced stress levels
- Stronger immune system
- Increased willpower
- Heightened focus
- Better sleep
- Enhanced creativity
- Heightened cold tolerance
Inward Gazing
Inward gazing or hatha yoga is the art of focusing on one of nine drishtis:
- Urdhva (upwards or toward the sky)
- Ajna (the third eye chakra)
- Nasagram (the tip of the nose)
- Parsva (toward the right side or the left side)
- Nabhi (the navel)
The principle behind this practice is that you are not “looking” at anything. You are gazing. The core difference is that when you are looking, you are distracting yourself. When taking in hordes of information, your attention gets scattered like a light bulb.
Gazing on the other hand, is a soft focus. You are sending your attention to one particular spot or place, and your attention becomes concentrated like a laser beam.
One of the biggest obstacles we have is that we have attachments to “differences.” Our attention is on gender, religion, ethnicity, and abilities. Not on our inner world.
This has caused us to be more disconnected now than ever, ironically. It is imperative that we take moments to harness our inner powers, and reconnect to our divinity within. With inward gazing and putting attention on the pineal gland, it will begin to activate.
This is by far the coolest thing I have ever done. Hemi Sync is one of the originators of binaural beats. Binaural beats are specifically-designed sound frequencies, spaced in each ear. (One frequency in the left ear and a different one in the right) at different intervals. Your brain creates a note in between the gap that activates your whole brain.
If that doesn’t make sense, it’s like listening to Mariah Carey at Christmas without the backup singers. Your brain knows what harmonies are supposed to be there, and lights up to fill in the gaps.
For over 50 years, the Monroe Institute has been researching and developing this groundbreaking audio tool, and not only do they have a massive main space travel audio collection, but they have specialized audios for different aspects like:
- Reduce Stress
- Sleep Better
- Increased Focus
- Unleash Full Potential
- Deep Meditation
- Enhanced Well-Being
- Peak Performance
- Super Sleep
- Weight Loss
- Breaking Free From Addictions
- Creating Success
- Communicating With Animals
- Positive Immunity Program
And dozens more, I haven’t tried them all. But if you are looking for immediate results, I stand on these 100%. And with daily use, you can train your brain to activate your pineal gland using anchors.