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According to “new studies”, (like this one from PubMed), your DNA is actually only 2% activated. The rest, which was labeled as “junk DNA“, is actually just latent. This means just like your brain, you are not utilizing your maximum potential. Check out these dozens of studies here.
In this build, we are going to break down why you break down, and how to repair and activate the other 98%. But first,
quick disclaimers: this article and any you will find on is purely for information and educational purposes only, and is not to be misconstrued as legal, medical, or any other advice. Do your own research and speak with your own professionals before attempting any activities. HCIS and its subsidiaries will not be held liable for any quest you take upin yourself. Additionally, some links in our material are “affiliate” links and may give us a small compensation for your participation. We only work with people we know and trust, and we can only light the way for you. Your path is your own! Hope you enjoy! Peace and Blessings,
You are your body; the body that you can see and touch is only a thin illusory veil. Underneath it lies the invisible inner body, the doorway into Being, into Life Unmanifested. Through the inner body you are inseparably connected to this un- manifested One Life . . .
Eckhart Tolle
What is DNA?

In modern mainstream science, we are labeled as having 23 pairs of chromosomes, each chromosome having hundreds to thousands of genes. Our chromosomes are long strands of DNA molecules, that contain many genes. These genes represent a multitude of functions and determine who we “are” biologically, from traits we inherited from ancestry to our behaviors, and everything in between.
These two DNA strands are linked by pairs of nucleobases, commonly known as bases. The four bases are guanine (G), adenine (A), thymine (T), and cytosine (C), which are joined together in a chain of bonds, much like the rungs of a ladder, connecting the two strands of the helix.
The structure conforms to what is referred to as base pairing rules in which only certain bases are combined under normal conditions (A with T, and C with G). It is the coding sequence or order of these four bases that carries the genetic information that facilitates biological assembly, function, and reproduction.
Quantum DNA Healing: Consciousness Techniques for Altering Your Genetic Destiny (

Every second in your body, there are millions of chemical reactions taking place, giving you your own unique fingerprint. No two people are exactly the same – although there is a reason why we find people quite similar to us, as I’ll explain in a later article. This means you are a highly specific, massively complicated quantum MACHINE. Oh Great, I bet you’re thinking. As if my life wasn’t already complicated enough.
(The good news is, The Universe takes care of most of the work!)
DNA is more than just the genetic code to hand down to your children. DNA is actually the largest storage device we have knowledge of. You ever have an irrational fear of something, but never have an experience with it – like snakes, drowning, etc? It’s very possible than one of your ancestors had a terrifying situation with said event, and you are still carrying the trauma from it!
Billy Carson Exposes Generational Trauma
Research has also shown that your environment has more of an impact on you than your ancestry. Let’s say there were two twins: The father was absent, and the mother – being impoverished, had to give one of them up for adoption. So twin one lives in the ghetto with his mother and their less-than functional family unit, full of stress, abuse, and trauma. Twin two gets adopted by a wealthy family. Two has access to resources, education, and is surrounded by love. Two grows up to be wildly successful, while One barely graduates high school and gets killed due to gang violence. Two “identical” people with the same genes, but very different circumstances.
How can this be?
Well, if simulation theory is correct, that means this game has at least three components: The designer, the developers, and the players. And in order for the Game to continue without crashing, it has to find a way for all 3 to communicate….in “private.” So if trees have DNA, squirrels and mollusks have it, and we the players have it, that must mean it’s a code. Also, you ready for this? It says that YHVH (Yehovah) embedded his code in our DNA! Check THIS out
You are storing more memories in your genetic code than you ever could in your mind’s memory. Think about it, your brain is in a cave, and cant see, smell, touch, or taste anything. So it sends out its “Five Friends” AKA the senses, to tell it what is going on in the world around it. The largest organ on the human body, skin – does more than send sensation info to the brain. It also detects cortisol and other hormones on other living beings, absorbs the sun, water, (and toxins), and secretes. Secret-es.
Your mind can only process certain things, usually involved in base – level emotional responses. Most of your experiences are being stored genetically. Think about it – you ever wonder why some animals act the way they do? Picture this: A mother deer and a father deer have babies. The buck gets struck down by a car crossing the highway. His sire “instinctually” knows that cars are dangerous, even though there was no crime scene investigation or conversation about it! Conspiracy theory? Maybe. I think not – in fact,
Two authors at Harvard were able to store 70,000,000,000 copies of an e-book into genetic code, in a single drop of blood. The implications of this are MASSIVE. This means we are living way, way, wayyy beneath our potential. I personally think that the mass programming we have been subjected to for generations has “locked up” our DNA potential. Original people were able to locate water in the middle of a desert with A STICK. King Solomon could divine precious minerals and gems with his senses.
So What Happened?
School. Church. Toxicity. Drama. Low Vibrations. Programming. Settling. Focusing on Negative Events.
Think about your life real quick, like you were about to pass through the veil, to the next life. What was it like? If there were a song you were singing the majority of the time, what would it be? Would it be a song about your limitless potential and abundance, or more like something like this:
When I was seven, they told me to stop dreaming and playing.
When I was nine, I had to start being an adult too soon and see things I should have been protected from.
When I was eleven, I had to start working to help provide for my family.
When I was thirteen, I started training for the football team.
When I was fifteen, all I cared about was girls.
And so on, and so on. Until your last breath, hopefully one of acceptance and honor, and not regret.
I’m not going to go into all of the conspiracies contrived around keeping us as sheep – at least not yet.
However. This might seem insignificant, and horrifyingly, it’s most people’s song. We go on through life, being programmed into being a “good slave”. We are told our dreams are rediculoso, and to leave them to the Elon’s of the World. Here’s where the water breaks – you ARE the Elon’s. You were sent here with a mission, a unique personality, and unlimited potential. And you can tell that because you have your own UNIQUE FINGERPRINT! Instead of cultivating our uniqueness, we let society chop us down until we are nothing but the same thing as everyone else. Drones. NPC’s if you will.
What happens in bee hives? They keep the drones around to fertilize the Queen’s eggs, and then the same drone gets exhiled or annhililated. So if you were your own DNA, listening to garbage programming, media, music, peoples poolitical opinions (yes, I spelled it pool-itical, it’s a sess pool and none of it’s real) would you be completely turned on, activated, and glowing? Right.
Okay Mysterious Internet Wizard, so what do we do?
Let’s Get Spooky.
5 Ways To Activate Your DNA
Visualization and Meditations
I found the best way to unlock anything is to realize there is a portal to it somewhere. Once you realize you are more than what they told you, you start to wonder what you are – and then what you could be.
When you work out, you have a vision in mind on what you want to look like right? Then you tunnel vision on the program and regimen you have to complete to unlock the picture in your mind. When you have a material goal (mine being a brand new Range Rover), I start to imagine myself as a Range Rover owner. Where do Ranges get oil changes and maintainance? Where do they park? How much are parts? What kind of gas do they use? How much do I need to increase my income to afford all of this? Then I start to notice the little things that indicate a mental shift. I start to find parking spaces that don’t look suspect and imagine places that I would go being a RR owner.
In meditations, I visualize my energy centers. (See my youtube series on energy center meditations.) For example, imagine a light center, slightly purple over your right shoulder. Now practice raising that orb up to about the bottom of your ear lobe. Now do the same for the left, and imagine one above your head. Once you begin to feel the energy flow, imagine a lazer like triangle combining the three orbs. This is the beginning of understanding sacred geometry. There are dozens of different practices, and dozens more variations for different outcomes.
Seek Experiences You Would Want To Be Told Around Campfires For Generations
The Universe rewards action takers and large amounts of mass. Imagine your last day on this Earth. What would you regret not having done? All the epic concerts you didn’t go to, all the places you never got to travel to, etc. Now imagine being above everyone at your funeral. What would you want everyone to say about you? What epic stories would you want to be remembered by? Find a step by step way to become the most interesting man in any room. Seek out epic quests to complete and by all means, DO THEM. Don’t be a “talker” be a “DO-ER”!!
Seek Deep Knowledge
Don’t ever settle for the status-quo. If you gossip, backbite, and have low-level conversations, you will carry low level vibrations around with you. If you talk about high level concepts, ideas, and solutions to the World’s problems, you will in turn recieve higher vibrations. This is an unmutable law of the Universe. Two, actually. As above, so below; and The Law of Causation.
Not everything is as it seems, so why not seek some kind of truth? Study ancient history, super successful people, and high level concepts – even if you don’t understand them yet. You will in time. It is important to always keep in your mind’s eye you are trying to crack through some kind of limitation, and your will and determination alone won’t get you through. You need to change your entire lifestyle, mindset, and frequency.
As a former music producer, I am completely intoxicated by the new soundscape we’ve created. This though, is one vice I can proudly say I’ve overcome. As much as I love music, it’s completely immersed with toxic programming. There are literally plug and play techniques for songwriting that creates a space where the music and beat get you into a trance, while the words therin program you subconsciously. I’m talking hard science folks. BPM, notes, scales, patterns, frequencies, I’ve design sounds. Different frequencies create different realities. (See the documentary below)
That’s how jingles work, and that also means thats how The Jungle Book works. You picking up what I’m putting down? Netflix and…… Schedule a free call if you still don’t get it…
Basically, wherever you shine the light, there can be no darkness. So if you light up the dark spots on your DNA, they become activated. There are a multitude of ways, but remember the basic principles: All is mind, and All is vibration.
There are so many “hidden secrets” of the human body, I’d need 30 AI to type everything I know or have researched. One thing I DO know, is there are caps on your DNA that limit your longevity. These caps are called telemures, and they are like the caps on your shoestrings. If there is no cap, the rope will become frayed and completely unwind. The problem with this is, the caps get smaller and smaller every time the DNA replicates itself. Imagine this: Your DNA are like a copy machine and the telemures are ink. As you age, you have less and less toner, so the copies you make have less detail and color. Some information is missed in the copies, and eventually you wither and well, die.

L-ergothianine is now being recognized as the furthest, deepest penetrating antioxidant known to man. It has been shown to help with inflammation, mental health, and many inflammations we encur on a daily basis. Not only this, but the magical component actually attacks the inflammations at the cellular level. So if your DNA is a copy machine, L-Ergothianine is the Geek Squad, refilling your ink toner. It is the nanouber driver delivering longevity to your cells.
We have a supplement, UR Vitality that not only helps give you a long-lasting energetic boost throughout the day, but it helps repair your DNA by repairing the telomeres, removing the oxidants, and protecting the cell walls. It is made from a proprietary blend including reishi and chaga mushrooms, and unlike most supplements, is delivered through the blood stream and kidneys. So no more “pissing away” your supplements! Find out more here and see the studies here, here, and here.
Trauma Healing
As stated above, Mr. Billy Carson purports that we carry trauma for 14 generations just in our DNA. I don’t know if this has been validated but I do know generational curses and generational trauma, is a real thing. I did wonder also for a long time how animals who were raised by different species retained information on how to behave as “themselves” though. Squirrels and birds who were rescued and adopted by humans still had “squirrel and bird” behaviors and instincts, and orphaned deer have knowledge that cars are dangerous, and since I was about 15 or 16 I thought that DNA had some memory function. More updates on this later.

Sexual shaming and trauma can trigger a wide array of malaise in the fragmentary body. Think about this: Your Root Chakra and “root organ” contains the seed to the purpetual fruit, right? If someone can get you to feel ashamed enough to not want to be alive, or reproduce anymore – what do you think that would do to your DNA? I’m no scientist, but I would ascertain that it would start to shift away from signaling those impulses that would make you want to-right?
So let’s say you harbor this inferiority or shame complex around for some time. You will start to notice that people around you will start treating you the way you feel inside. The outside is on the inside, remember? So the Universe is responding to what you think and believe, purpetuating your self-hate cycle you created, by never dealing with the trauma or the shame. Just a thought I downloaded…
So all that being said, instead of masking your pain/pangs with drugs, food, alcohol, meaningless sex, or other stupid habits – it’s time to break the cycle. At the “root” so to say. Whether that be a form of meditation, therapy, or any other form of getting back to wholeness – the only way out is through.
To add to that, speaking empowering or loving words may seem corny, but it’s been demonstrated that words change the PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF OUR FRIGGING REALITY! In his book “The Message From Water”, Masaru Emoto provides evidence that thoughts, words, and sounds directly affect the structure of water molecules. And guess what we are 80% of?
you can watch the full documentary here.
Another dope way to realign and activate your DNA is through Sound/Vibrational Healing. I practice with the Genius Insight App and I can scan your entire biofield, and determine your distortions just by voice and picture analysis. It’s a little wierd at first, there’s a lot going on. But after feeling the effects almost immediately, I use it every day. Driving, meditating, even overlaying listening to podcasts.
I’m talking vitamin levels, energetic field, organ balance, the whole deal! Swipe right to see how lit this is!
This may or may not be news to you, but we’re kinda fucked right now. Our food, water, air, and even spirit are all being poisoned. The majority of our farmland and water supply are owned by some nefarious characters who think we are nothing more than sheep, property, and they can do with us as they please. Including, but not limited to, genetic editing and artificial synthesis. The majority of our food has less nutritional value than we require to run at peak performance, or has so much junk it bogs us down. Imagine driving with one foot on the gas and the other holding the break down. Exhausting, right? Same principles apply here!
Again, do your own research and talk to your family doctor. In our experience, we gained a lot of energy and information downloads while fasting. Our best results were on a 4 day Intermittent Fasting regimine with alkaline water, our cleanse formula, and Zinjaburn. Some of the results were astounding, and research goes all the way back to the Bible!
The basics are twofold: One, we are training the mind and the body to be at peace from urges and animalistic impulses. We are saying, “No. I am the one in control.” You have to remember, there are many entities in your vehicle but YOU are the driver. You build what we lack most these days, discipline. And two, you are purging toxins and turning your fat into fuel. Pro tip: Our supplement Zinjaburn helps convert your white fat into brown fat in just a couple of days. You don’t have to be like Yeshua and fast for 40 days in the desert. Its 2023, camaan.
If you would like a FREE 6 week, intensive health and fitness coaching experience with certified fitness coaches, our doctor, and leaders in the industry, click this link! Starting January, 2023
Dovetailing very nicely, the Masters are said to eat the Sun. What does this mean? In the early morning or sunset when the UV rays are low, it is possible to capture the sun’s essence, and through alchemical process (photosynthesis), convert it into energy. It is a controversial subject, and one that should be researched THOUROUGHLY before attempting. I’m not even saying to do it. I’ve done it, and have had some pretty “enlightening” experiences. Who knows if I’ll be blind later on or not, but I don’t think it can be worse than staring at artificial LCDs all day – with proper practice and due dilligence. Not even necessarily staring at the Sun, at least getting skin contact for a short time everyday has huge benefits.
The issues around UV all stem from one of the least discussed but one of the most important chemicals.
What is dark and worth over eight times more than gold?
Why is a black chicken the most expensive, being worth over $1000?
Forgive my dark humor, don’t blacklist me. Okay, okay.
In all seriousness, I don’t know if they sell african pigment on the “black market.” I do know this, however – there are reasons why vanilla ladies love chocolate men, which made the vanilla men very upset and jealous. There are definitely benefits in getting out in the sun. Synthetic pills don’t have the same effect, and vanilla chicks sure do love being tan. All I’m sayin. Here’s a great book, all jokes aside – Melanin, the Master Molecule (
The practice has been done since writing was a thing, and it is a great spiritual practice. Even internet rags like healthline are trying to speak on it. They clearly don’t recommend it, but they give a pretty good detail on how to “do it” which is interesting. I am of the opinion that it works best when the sun is rising or sinking, and if it hurts you missed the window. I wouldn’t do it for extended periods of time, and if it doesn’t feel right in your body – just go do something else. (see disclaimer.)
Breath Work
If you go through life only using 1/3 of your lung capacity, you won’t live long.
There are multitudes of techniques for breakthwork. Some of the methods I’m most familiar with are:
- Pranayama
- Flower Of Life
- Radiance Breathing
- Wim Hof
- Breath of Fire
- Tantric Breathing
I learned pranayama when reading the Bhagavad Gita and attending a festival at ISKON. Some of the other techniques I learned via Tony Robbins, Vishen, and some when I studied Kung Fu and QiGong in my 20s. I tried the WimHof trial, but the fear of passing out kept me from fully commiting. I will try again, though and recommend if it works.
The flower of life is the most difficult, but you will get massive results in your DNA and your aura.
Some are easy, some more complicated, but the point of all the practices are the awareness of the breath. Awareness of your body, what life means, and what breath, IS. If you really want to level up your 23, find one that works for you and stick with it. You will see, and you will activate new parts of your DNA guaranteed. If you feel like you’ve tried everything and you are still the same, try one or two of these each day. Don’t hesitate to call me or email for a free activation session. We’re all in this thing together, brother.
In the book, Beyond The Flower of Life, the meditations required for the techniques are described. You can also find parts in my youtube playlist, how to get started meditating.
If you are more of a book worm, try scribd. You get access to more occult and scientific material, podcasts, legal docs, and the community is amazing. click this link and get 60 days free!
Cell Food
So now that your are eating the sun and breathing in that “good ass prana“, it’s time to revitalize those little parts. Your cells.
No matter what you do, unless you have access to the Halls of AMenti, and whatever technology Thoth (or Diddy) had, your cells are going to age and breakdown. That’s just life on this planet. You can slow down that process though, and live more fully. Along with our supplements, there are many other minerals, chemicals, and activators that are not in our regular diet. Used by athletes, high performers, and the Elite, yes, that Elite, these supplements are vitally necessary if you want to activate your DNA.
Full disclosure: We are in no way affiliated with these companies, but we do love what they do. Yes, they work; and also yes, they are natural.
(Ahem. If any representative from these companies are reading this, we would love to talk to you! [email protected] )
The Wholly Trinity: Oxygen, Gold and Silver
Liquid Oxygen: Cellfood
according to their website,
“Introduction to Cellfood
Cellfood is a remarkable formula that oxygenates and feeds the cells— cleaning, nourishing, and tuning up the body’s systems throughout the day. That’s why Cellfoodis the world’s #1 selling oxygen + nutrient supplement— the original formula developedby Everett Storey almost 70 years ago.
For over 50 years, Cellfood’s proprietary formula has been manufactured by NuScience Corporation in an FDA-compliant facility, GMP-certified by the Natural Products Association.
Cellfood nourishes and oxygenates
It’s created by a proprietary process in which nutrient-rich plant substances are held in a negatively-charged suspension of deuterium sulfate. The result is a remarkable formulation that— by utilizing the same technology used decades ago to split the atom— splits water molecules within the body by weakening the bonding electrons, and gives birth to cascades of vital, life-giving oxygen. This newly-born oxygen, combined with an array of vital nutrients, is carried throughout the body— cleaning, toning and building the cells and tissues hour after hour, day after day.
A miracle of electromagnetic design
Since Cellfood is colloidal and negatively charged— just like the blood and lymph fluid— there is a natural synchronicity between Cellfood and the body’s own fluids. Cellfood and its nutrients move through the cell walls easily, and are absorbed and assimilated quickly and efficiently. Cellfood’s unique structure oxygenates and feeds the cells— cleaning, nourishing, and tuning up the body’s systems throughout the day. And, Cellfood helps balance the body’s pH.
Cellfood is exceptional as an overall delivery system not only for its own nutrients, but also for any other nutrients or substances introduced into the body within the same 24 hour period.
A powerful free-radical scavenger
Free radicals are atoms (or groups of atoms) that are missing an electron. These highly reactive molecules become even more dangerous in the human body when they react with and damage other important cellular components like DNA. Antioxidants are directly responsible for the prevention of cellular damage by neutralizing and eliminating free radicals. In a recent study, Cellfood was shown to decrease excess free radical activity by up to 27%.
Prized by athletes
In addition to the numerous general health benefits, Cellfood has now become the supplement of choice for many professional athletes. In a study conducted at the University of Pretoria, Cellfood was shown to increase oxygen uptake (VO2 Max), increase ferretin (iron storage), and decrease lactic acid (muscular fatigue).
Notably, Cellfood does not contain any ingredients that are on the lists of banned substances for professional and amateur athletic competitions. Cellfood is non-addictive, non-invasive, and completely non-toxic when taken as directed.
Cellfood lowers oxidative stress
An in vitro study conducted at the International Observatory of Oxidative Stress (Italy) showed Cellfood to be effective in the modulation of oxygen bioavailability in blood plasma and in lowering the risk of oxidative stress (the main cause of premature aging). Cellfood was found to have extraordinarily high biological antioxidant potential—a full 30 times higher than the normal BAP value of human plasma.
Conclusions of the study: “Cellfood is a natural formula with the ability to reduce oxidative stress and is potentially useful in the prevention of premature aging.”
Cellfood works throughout the day
When you mix Cellfood with purified water or juice and ingest it, its proprietary water-splitting action begins the moment you take the first sip. This cascading time release of oxygen typically peaks within 8-12 hours, and then keeps working hour after hour. And,its essential natural minerals, enzymes, amino acids and electrolytes are delivered simultaneously throughout the body on the deepest cellular level.”
Liquid Gold: Monatomic Gold
Keeping with the theme of my long-life obsession with Egypt, colloidal gold and silver have been used since ancient Sumer and Kem (Ham, Egypt, etc.) for their electromagnetic properties and protection against radiation. Colloidal gold is 24k gold nanoparticles suspended in a liquid (usually water) and is used orally. It helps decalcify the pineal and pituitary glands, increases the superconductivity of the brain, body, and helps protect us from radiation. (No more aluminum foil hats, I’m terribly sorry.)
Liquid Silver: Colloidal Silver
Silver has also been used solely and in conjunction with monatomic gold. It is to be remembered, we are an advanced, genetically modified bio-machine! We are a mining machine, a battery, a biological AI – think about it. Gold and silver help us with conductivity, which means we perform higher, think higher, and create higher amounts of energy. It has even been said that the “elixer of life” was made of gold, silver, and various other elements. Guys, if you really want to tap into your TRUE POWER, you have to change your mindset. Then you have to change your diet and lifestyle. Then your spirit will grow.
Our parts come from many different places, and we are “made out of the Earth”.
The average body composition of someone weighing 70 kilos:
- Oxygen – 43 kg
- Carbon – 16 kg
- Hydrogen – 7 kg
- Nitrogen – 1.8 kg
Essential Minerals
- Calcium – 1000g
- Phosphorus – 780 g
- Potassium – 140 g
- Sulpher – 140g
- Chlorine – 100g
- Sodium – 95g
- Magnesium – 19g
- Iron – 4.2 g
Trace Minerals
- flourine – 2600 mg
- zinc – 2300 mg
- copper – 72 mg
- iodine – 13 mg
- manganese 12 mg
- molybdenum – 9.5 mg
- selenium – 8 mg
- chromium – 6.6 mg
- cobalt – 1.5 mg
- gold – .2 g
- silver – < 167 mcg

(another source here)
There are many more components to this list which can be found here in my amazon list, which will be updated, and i will have a full-detailed breakdown of everything we tried, vibe, and can buy here. Make sure you subscribe to stay notified as we codify, we are going to have the BEST resources on the Web, guaranteed. GUA-RAN-TEED BRAH.