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How To Activate Your Chakras
Activate Your Chakras
A Complete Guide To The 12 Points

The opinions and information expressed in this article “How to Activate your Chakras” and on this website are for purely didactic education and informational purposes only. We do not recommend trying anything without seeking a medical professional first. Based on Llewellyn’s complete book of chakras, Osho, Anodea Judith, the Bhaghavad Gita, and other vedic texts. Click on each secton for further breakdown of each section, and stay tuned for more updates!
Understanding Your You-niverse
We live in a universe of vibration. In this density, called 3rd density, the majority of the energy we take in is encoded. Information is absorbed into our light bodies mostly through sound, light, and psychically.
Light, is dispersed through a complicated prism system, through your energetic body and other mysterious ways, including imbeds through symbols and mandalas. It was said that an experience looking at the emerald tablets gave the reader some sort of enlightenment.
Ancient civilizations and Current Scientific Organizations both agree that everything in our Universe is an energetic vibration. Some vibrations cannot be identified by the 5 major senses, but can still be “felt.” Chakras are one of those things. Chakras are like little transmutaion portals that convert physical energy into subtle, and subtle energy into physical. This is accomplished with the two other subtle energy systems: The nadis, (also called Meridians in Chinese medicine), and the auric fields.
The nadis are used to describe the channels in the body in which subtle energy flows.
Auric fields are one of many sets of energy fields produced by the subtle body. Moving in an upward progression around the body, similar to chakras, they look like bands of energy that start close and move farther away; each band coorelating with its own chakra. This is similar to the electromagnetic biofield we all have, but they are of a higher vibration. All three of these systems work in tangent, creating a complex web of energy vortexes that encompass our “self”.
Consider in your mind a chakra being like a Galaxy. A complex system of energies, colors, ideas, and patterns all swirling around each other. Hard to fathom, but a beautiful dance to watch indeed. There are many different ideas about the number of these little galaxies, but we will focus on the 12 main systems, then we can understand all chakras. Keep in mind, this is one of the subjects we have to temporarily bypass logic to understand. Try and visualize and imagine these concepts, then apply the logic, later on, to make it stick.
It is also said that the human body is the host of hundreds of energy centers called chakras and nadis, and that they hold the keys to our being-ness. Every main chakra is connected to our being multi-dimensionally. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
On the physical level, these centers are all assigned to a specific gland or organ and place in the spinal column, and connected to other body parts that resonate with the same frequencies. Each organ, gland, and bodily function is associated with a vibrational frequency. Each tiny cell in your body is a minute chemical laboratory, and all of the body sytems are like instruments, and every vibration has a frequency, color expression, and all these are your own personal energy signature.
Just like your fingerprint, your energetic signature is completely unique in the Universe. Certain things have a specific resonant frequency, like the heart – but your genes, cells, diet, and experience sing your own unique song, all day and night. Now – the best way I can explain this phenomenon is through my experience with music. I think of chakras as our invisible equalizer. If you have ever seen an eq, like the one below you’ll notice the similarities.
All the different bands of wavelengths have a certain color grouping. You’ll notice that when you turn the knobs clockwise, they begin to filter out the frequency. When you turn a knob counter clockwise, you begin to filter out the other frequencies. When you have all the knobs in the correct positions, what do you get? A balanced, “radio quality” mix!
Another thing to consider before we get started, is that your emotions and thoughts also have a frequency, and that is the beginning of your diagnostic process. This, in tangent with the 5 pillars framework, you will be able to master your energetic regulation.

Defining The Chakras
The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “disk” and originated within the philosophy of the ancient yoga systems of India.
SOURCE:Truth about Chakras, Anodea Judith
A chakra is a spinning vortex of energy created within ourselves by the interpenetration of consciousness and the physical body. Through this combination, chakras become centers of activity for the reception, assimilation, and transmission of life energies. Feeling, understanding, and uniting the chakras is what we experience as the “self.”
It is important to know that although there is a physical location used to describe the energy bands, they are not locted in the physical body. They are located in the “subtle body” or sukshumna sharira. For example, when your root chakra gets triggered, you may feel it behind your ribs and not your perenium. This may be because your adrenal glands are activated, so you get confused.
The Spectrums
Man is a rainbow, all the seven colors together. That is his beauty and that is his problem too. Man is multifaceted, multidimensional. His being is not simple, it is a great complexity. And out of that complexity is born the harmony we call God: the divine melody.
Osho – the Chakra Book
Spectrum 1: Music
Before we get to the second spectrum, which still boggles me is this: The way it works in math/music spookiness is: the seven known, and the two mutable, unknowns. I don’t have the words to explain this yet, just try to stick with the music theory. You have seven notes: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, and do is an octave. The only way I can explain that is 8 is 1, which is infinite – and 9 is actually zero. .999?
(If anyone in science or math has an explanation to this, please comment below!)
In Eastern music, it divides into seven as well. sa, re, ga, ma, pa, dha, ni
For the color prism: you have clear, black, and white.
From the bottom, white gets separated into the prism:
If you read my article How To Activate Your Junk DNA, you will see how energy is created. Blue shift from the top, red shift on the bottom.
So the red has the lowest vibration and the root has the lowest impulses, and Violet has the highest, respectfully.
The Second Prism
The Densities, as said in The Chakra Book by Osho:
In The First Density, Osho calls “no-mind”, meaning the mind is fast asleep. “Muladhar”. In a rock, God is asleep, snoring. That is the lowest vibration. Earth, Mars, the Moon, are vibrating at such a very low level we cannot detect it with our ears. He goes on to say in “The Chakra Book“, The mind has not manifested yet. He awaits the seed. Sooner or later there will be morning and the rock will become a bird and fly, or will become a tree and blossom. (p45)
Please take the time to read the book! it is beautiful, poetic, and enlightening.
The Second Density then is the Unconscious Mind. This is where God becomes aware, yet not aware that it is aware. Plants can feel, but they don’t “know” that they feel.
The Third Density is subconscious, respectively. Subconscious is in the birds and animals. They communicate and record data, but they can’t write philosophical works.
The Fourth Density is where we are. Somewhere in between animal and divine, drifting through life half-awake. There are moments when we become fully aware, like when a mother lifts a car to save her baby – but mostly we are unaware. Half man, half sheep.
The 5th Density is what Osho calls the sub-superconscious, what the practices of spirituality and yoga are teaching. The tranforming of your conscious and supersubconscious mind. “Remembering” who you are. In the ancient Egyptian texts it says Osiris was dismembered into 14 parts, and was “re-membered by Isis”. A beautiful allegory of putting back all of the pieces of yourself. Part of The Divine Game, I guess.
The Sixth Density is when you are no longer “yanked” back into your pprimal consciousness. When someone calls you an idiot, you are no longer triggered. You no longer think you look fat, or get bent out of shape when someone flirts with your girlfriend
The Seventh Density Osho calls again, no-mind. Completing the cycle. In the Bible, it says that “God rested.”
The Eighth Density then, must be the infinite. No where to go, because you are everywhere. The inexplicable force of life? I know not. I do know, that is a beautiful experience that we must tap back into instead of worrying about what the latest celebrity’s cheat meal is.
In order to do that we must learn to live with all of our chakras, to be fully whole from the rock to the inexplicable, from the soul to the animal, in complete harmony. “One who is not whole, can never be holy.” We must learn the notes, then the scales, chords, and the arpeggios, and most importantly, when the rests are. This is composition. This is the song of life!
*One solitary tear drops from left eye
The 7 Chakras In The Human Body
At some point, you should look into the Akashic Records and The Law of Karma to get a broader understanding of these ideas. For now, let’s just break down the most traditionally understood system – the Hindu Seven Chakra System. I will elude to the 12 points of light as well, but not go into them in detail.
Thousands of doctors, metaphysicists, neurologists, yogis, and philosophers have analyzed the aspects and principles of these chakras, and have identified the themes and structures which make up everything we know about our individual lives, and life itself.
Every thought, feeling, action, experience, and memory is stored in our chakras and DNA. From the fear of a dog barking as a child, to that subtle smile from someone we like, to the fond memory of grandma’s apple crisp – everything, large and minute, is stored in these chakras. The patterns and behaviors we have are expressed in these strange vortexes swirling around each other, determining who we are – our essence. That is the all-seeing eye. The Universe watching us watch each other watch ourselves.
Each chakra has its own frequency of data that it controls. Remember, everything is vibration. This means that each chakra regulates physical, subtle, and dozens of types of energies that correlate with the different functions of the body. Here is the format I will lay out for each of the following using the Llewellyn Complete Book of Chakras formula:
Sanskrit Name: each chakra is given a name in Sanskrit
Meaning: each name has a meaning that correlates to its function
Location: although not associated with the physical body, each has a correlation to a place in the spine or other body parts
Purpose: what each function are, what aspects it transmutes
Associated Parts: each is associated with a color, meaning its vibrational frequency; which parts of the physical body it has an association with.
Sense: the predominant sense and sense organ associated with each chakra (jnanendriya)
Action: the organ that generates the activity of each chakra (karmendriya)
Function: the psychological and emotional function of the chakra
Archetype: each has its own template associated with it
Profile: each has its own personality traits associated with it
Imbalances: Blocked/Overabundant what happens in each when it is out of tune
Balanced: what you can expect to gain when each wheel is balanced
Component Parts: each chakra is associated with an element. Each element is associated with colors, sounds, and lotus petals.
Gross Element: Called tattvas, these are the material elements associated
with each chakra. ( 5 elements)
Subtle Element: The tanmatra, or essence of the sense-perception
associated with this chakra. (5 senses)
Color of the Element: the harmonious frequency of the chakra’s vibration and its elemental vibration, described as a color
Sound of the Element: Called the bija mantra, this is the
sound the element in this chakra makes.
Padma: Every chakra is associated with a certain lotus flower, with a number of pedals. The pedals themselves are associated with a meaning, diety, letter, and specific sound.
Special Ability: Each is attributed to a specific psychic ability or gift
Auric Layer: Each chakra is associated with an auric layer.
Supplements: Herbs or objects you can use to realign the chakras

Credit: Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Chakras
Root Chakra

Image by
This chakra is the source of vitality, creativity, and spirit.
The Muladhara is responsible for the flow of energy in the body and is the source of grounding. As the seat of Kundalini, the energy rises up the spine from here. So this should also be the place we start investigating when we feel drained, blocked, or imbalanced.
When you begin to think in scarcity, this energy wheel becomes blocked. It is important to remember that we are sophisticated, but are still animals. All of the other animals of this planet trust Nature to provide for them, and it is important for us to meditate and talk to our higher self to regain that same trust.
Sanskrit Name: Muladhara
Meaning: root, seat, root of existence
Location: coccyx
Purpose: survival needs
Associated Parts: hips, coccyx
Sense: smell
Action: adrenal glands
Function: willpower, adaptation, and survival.
Archetype: family of origin beliefs
Profile: each has its own personality traits associated with it
Imbalances: Blocked/Overabundant what happens in each when it is out of tune
Balanced: what you can expect to gain when each wheel is balanced
Component Parts: each chakra is associated with an element. Each element is associated with colors, sounds, and lotus petals.
Gross Element: Earth
Subtle Element: attraction, smell
Color of the Element: Red
Sound of the Element: Lam
Padma: mula kamala
Special Ability: Each is attributed to a specific psychic ability or gift
Auric Layer: Each chakra is associated with an auric layer.
Supplements: Herbs or objects you can use to realign the chakras
Sacral Chakra

The second chakra, Svadhisthana can be translated as the dwelling place of the self (establishment). Located below the belly button, it is the core driver for desires. It is connected with the taste sense, the genitals, and the unconscious. Fear and guilt block this wheel. If you are feeling unestablished, have low sex drive, experience fears of death, this energy wheel will be out of balance.
The second chakra, Svadhisthana can be translated as the dwelling place of the self (establishment).
Located below the belly button, it is the core driver for desires. It is connected with the taste sense, desires, and the unconscious. Fear and guilt block this wheel. If you are feeling unestablished, have low sex drive, experience fears of death, this energy wheel will be out of balance.
Try this : The Death Meditation
Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana
Meaning: self, abode of the self
Location: sacrum, below the naval
Purpose: emotions, creativity, and sensuality.
Associated Parts: genital glands, sexual organs, prostate gland (men), lower vertebrae, the appendix, upper intestine, parts of the kidneys, digestive organs.
Sense: taste
Action: genitals
Function: willpower, adaptation, and survival.
Archetype: Emperor/empress
Profile: the merciful ruler
Imbalances: Martyr/manipulator
Balanced: friendliness, vitality, sensuality
Component Parts: Water
Gross Element: Earth
Subtle Element: attraction, smell
Color of the Element: Color of water
Sound of the Element:Vam, the power of Varuna, an aspect of Krishna
Padma: mula kamala
Special Ability: clairgustance (clear tasting), clairtangency (psychic touch), cleromancy (divination) dowsing, psychometry, reiki, pyrokenisis, psychic smell
Auric Layer: 2nd auric layer, 5″ above the skin.
Supplements: Herbs or objects you can use to realign the chakras
Solar Plexus Chakra

Image by Peter Lomas from Pixabay
Contrary to conventional “wisdom”, which states that the kundalini begins in the first or second chakras, they are known as the animalistic chakras. One begins the ascension into activation by becoming aware of the unifying force of the Universe through the awakening of one’s solar plexus. The ancient wisdom behind this is that this is the portal that connects us to the suns of the universe. Soul-ar plexus
The “serpent” lies coiled at the base of the spine, almost like in a snake charmer’s basket, waiting for the charmer to lure her out with the sweet song of the flute. Here, a burst of prana is converted into the flaming energy known as the Kundalini.
Sanskrit Name: Manipura
Meaning: jewel, city of gems
Location: thymus
Purpose: personal power, mental activity, self-esteem, and willpower.
Associated Parts: digestive system and organs, skin, breath, upper abdomen and diaphragm, middle spine
Sense: sight
Action: anus
Function: personal power
Archetype: The Warrior
Profile: The Intellectual Prophet
Imbalances: low self-esteem, easily manipulated and aimlessness
Balanced: decisive, emotionally stable, and virile
Component Parts:
Gross Element: Fire
Subtle Element: Form/Sight
Color of the Element: Fire Red
Sound of the Element: Ram
Special Ability: spiritual/physical alchemy, finding hidden treasures, longevity
Auric Layer: 3rd, 8″ to 10″ above the skin
Heart Chakra

Image by Peter Lomas from Pixabay
Sanskrit Name: Anahata
Meaning: The Unstruck Sound
Location: Heart/thymus
Associated Parts: Genitals
Sense: touch
Action: genitals
Function: connection with Source/others
Archetype: The Lover
Profile: The Healing Coach
Imbalances: lack of empathy/self-love, loneliness
Balanced: wholeness, friendliness, acceptance
Component Parts
Gross Element: Air
Subtle Element: Touch
Color of the Element: colorless: grey or green
Sound of the Element: Yam
Padma: mahar loka
Special Ability: chiromancy, palmistry, astral projection, channeling
Auric Layer: 4th, 1′-1.5′ above the body
Throat Chakra

Image by Peter Lomas from Pixabay
Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha
Meaning: purification
Location: thyroid/parathyroid
Purpose: communication/expression
Associated Parts: neck, ears, jaw, teeth, mouth, (communication center)
Sense: hearing
Action: mouth
Function: personal expression/creativity
Archetype: The Communicator
Profile: The Wise, Passionate Orator
Imbalances: grinding teeth, fear of speaking
Balanced: creative and expansive, great listener
Component Parts
Gross Element: ether
Subtle Element: vibration/sound
Color of the Element: smokey purple
Sound of the Element: ham
Special Ability: immortality
Auric Layer: 5th, 21-26″ outside of skin
Third Eye Chakra

Image by Peter Lomas from Pixabay
Sanskrit Name: Ajna, agya
Meaning: blue throated one
Location: base of throat
Purpose: communication and expression
Associated Parts: brain, eyes, pineal and pituitary glands
Action: pineal/causal
Function: Emotional/spiritual connections, center of balance
Archetype: Intuitive
Profile: Tapped Into Higher Purpose
Imbalances: psychosis, freezing
Balanced: Dissolving the Need for The Ego
Component Parts
Gross Element: Light
Subtle Element: Ether or Akash
Color of the Element: Transparent
Sound of the Element: Om
Padma: Unity and ego
Special Ability: Siddhi, karmic erasure
Auric Layer: 6th, about 3 ft around the body
Crown Chakra

Image by Peter Lomas from Pixabay
Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara
Meaning: thousand
Location: about a foot in air above head (I’ll explain later)
Purpose: seat of spirituality
Associated Parts: pituitary and pineal glands
Sense: externally dimensiory
Action: pineal, extradimensional
Function: Resolving issues of the ego
Archetype: the Guru
Profile: Typically struggling to make light of the dark
Imbalances: Lack of direction, lack of will
Balanced: When balanced and trained, their crown chakra is in highest state of consciousness.
Component Parts
Gross Element: spooky
Subtle Element: none
Color of the Element: none
Sound of the Element: Vasrga
Special Ability: astral travel, clairvoyance, exorcism, claire-related abilities
Auric Layer: between 3-6′ around the body, shaped as an egg or apple
The 5 Chakras Outside The Human Body
Outside of the physical instrument lies more portals that connect us to the Infinite All. While the numbers are debated over, the number I came up with according to my research is well over 13.
Earth Star Chakra
Located at the soles of the feet, this is the black chord that grounds us to the Earth’s resonance and piezoelectric field. As we move about the Earth, we are connecting with our multidimensional selves. This is the “foundation” for the movies like Earthing.
We absorb massive amounts of negativity all day, and we don’t discharge those energies enough. In order to tap back in, we have to ditch the shoes for a while. The rubber soles are insulating us away from the ions of the Earth, leaving us disconnected energetically, in many ways.
This chakra works in tangent with the root chakra, and is one of several transmission portals that keeps you in equilibrium and balance karmically.
Navel Chakra (Hara)
The line between the second and third chakra centers, at the navel lie this energetic point. Once the connection to your mother, this silver chord is most notably shown in Donnie Darko. This is one of the three dantyun systems in Eastern traditions we will break down later. It is associated with divine purpose and intention. (Please take a mental note about the Vat having a huge interest into these two things.)
Causal Chakra
Located 4 inches behind the head, most notably described as the source for divine inspiration.
Soul Star Chakra
Six inches above the head, the seat of the Christ consciousness translates into the collective heart center. When this is activated, this chakra aligns us with our higher self, and is the bridge between the two worlds
Divine Gateway Chakra
Also known as the stellar gateway, this is found a foot above the head. This is thought of as the chord to the Divine Source, allowing access to infinite energy
The Major Chakra Alter Egos and Blocks
The Pain Body
Eckhart Tolle talks about this phenomenon as an entity. The pain body is the accumulation of old emotional pain that lies unresolved, and is carried as distortions in our auric field. He explains this as a semi-autonomous psychic entity full of all of the traumas we haven’t processed and released, thereby being stored in our cells. There is also a collective pain body that contains all the pain and suffering of humanity.
In his book The Power of Now, he talks to the reader about emotional breakdowns, panic attacks and the like, as the intensified ego in the form of an emotion. Pain body can be personal, hereditary, or part of the collective. As an entity, it almost corrals all your negative experiences into a big emotional soup that sometimes boils over – called “pain body attacks”.
I liken this event to in semi-Jungian terms, known as the Shadow, and the Inner Child. Those two together I call the Dark Adopted.
When your frequencies get highjacked, it’s very similar to a temper tantrum, or hyperventilation, very reminiscent of a traumatized toddler. It’s not your child, you just “adopted” (inherited) it, and it’s your responsibility to reign it in so to say.
This particular entity gets off on seeing other people get hurt, or complaining about problems, or whichever “demon” you were assigned to at birth.
So How Does It Take Over?
Your mind is like a radio station. Every day, we are bombarded with frequencies of all ranges. Over time, you make decisions about what to resonate with. This baseline is your resonant frequency. Now whether or not they are internal or external, there are entities that hack energy. When you feed this entity with enough negativity, it then gets enough power to “highjack” your frequency stream.
Now your thought loops are distorted and you begin looping negative events around some of your core beliefs. This particular entity picks and grabs at events to “prove it’s theory correct” (people are bad, it’s a dog eat dog world, only the strong survive) by judging the outside world based on its particular model of the World. It takes memories and thoughts, and injects them with negative emotions to activate itself.
It’s function is to alert you to something being wrong, however we live in a very strange world that is creating mass negativity to feed upon. This leads us to notice a particular “community pain body”, and start to recognize certain patterns:
We have been highly caffeinated for decades, which limits some of our nervous system and emotional regulation;
We consume massive amounts of meat, and the foods have little nutritional value;
We are constantly bombarded with a wide range of artificial frequencies, from artificial light to microwaves ,electricity, and radiation;
Massive amounts of negativity on social media, the news, societal norms are distorting, lines are blurring;
A myriad of low vibrational energy constantly surrounding us and we have lost touch with the “breath of life.”
Many more factors are at play, but can you now see how easy it is to slip into low base and explode with road rage for something very minor? It’s okay, we are humans. Don’t beat yourself up over it!
You Have Dominion
There are many voices screaming inside of you, and you don’t have to run errands for them any longer. They say you have the devil on one shoulder, and an angel on the other. In the center, there’s the Watcher. If you meditate on that, you will understand that there is someone watching the watcher, and the observer. That is your real voice. The whisper so quiet it can only be found in silence. The light so small, it can only be found in complete darkness.
You can’t fight, ignore, or judge this entity. Any such action gives it its power, and you lose the fight. The only way is to accept, thank it, and let it go. Purely observe with no emotional energy attached, and it loosens its grip on you.
I once had a massive pain body attack over taking too much melatonin. My intelligent mind knew there was no way feasible that any bad could have happened, but again – the “pain body” is like a little child, it doesn’t see reality. It only shovels negativity down into its’ pit.
Noticing that I couldn’t talk my way back into “sanity”, I had this massive awareness of this entity and how seemingly normal people can just become irrational and unhinged. I then just listened to what this entity was communicating – it was screaming about a fear of death, the unknown, and having a lack of control. I thanked it, and just observed.
It was similar to listening to a girlfriend’s problems for a half hour. She doesn’t want you to agree with her, or fix it, she just wants to be heard. So just listen, and she will set you free. I walked, and really just listened – I did not make fun of it for the ridiculous ramblings or get angry at it, I just listened. The storm then started to settle down, the melatonin began to activate, and everything turned out fine.
Calming The Waters
There was a scene in some ancient texts about demons churning the “seas”. I’m not an expert on the Hindu texts, but there are significant parallels that lead me to look at life like being in a boat. There are going to be forces that churn the water around, and you must learn to calm these waters so your boat doesn’t sink.
This is the activation process.
Minor Chakras