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The invocation of Horus should be visualized as drawing down a massive sphere of light, and clothing one’s body with the form of a hawk.
The invocation of Horus, as uttered by Israel Regardie:
strike strike the master chord
draw draw the flaming sword
crowned child and conquering Lord
Horus Avenger
Oh thou of the head of the hawk, thee thee I invoke.
Thou only begotten child of Osiris, thy father, and Isis thy mother,
he that were slain she that bore thee in her womb, flying from the terror of the water, thee thee I invoke.
Oh thou whose apron is of flashing white, whiter than the forehead of the morning, thee thee I invoke.
oh thou who has formulated thy father and made fertile thy mother, thee thee I invoke.
Oh thou whose garment is of golden glory with the age old bars of sky thee thee I invoke
thou who didst avenge the horror of death, thow the Slayer of Typhon thou
who dis lift line arms and the Dragons of death workers dust, thou who disth
raised thyne head and the crocodile of Nile was abased before thee, thee thee I invoke.
oh thou whose Nemiss hideth the universe with night, the impermeable blue, thee the I invoke
thou who traveleth in the boat of Ra abiding at the helm of the Matet boat and of the sektet boat, thee, thee I invoke
thou who barests the wand of double power thee thee I invoke
The essence is shared the darkness of blue light the
unfathomable glory, the untraveled; the unthinkable immensity of space thou who consentrest all the 30 ethers in one darkly sphere of fire thee thee I invoke
oh thou who barest the Rose uncross of life and light thee the I invoke
the voice of the five the voice of the six eleven are the voices abra cadabra
strike, strike the master chord!
draw, draw the flaming sword!
Crowned child and conquering Lord
Horus Avenger
by thy name of Ra
invoke thee Hawk of the Sun the glorious one by thy name of Ha Markus youth of the brilliant morning I invoke thee
by thy name mao I invoke thee, Lion of the midday Sun
by thy name tum hawk of the evening, Crimson splendor of the sunset, I invoke thee
by thy name Kefr aI invoke thee oh beetle of the hidden mastery of midnight
by thy name Hor-Pa-krat Lord of silence, beautiful child that standeths on the Dragons of the deep I invoke thee
by thy name of Apollo I invoke thee old man of strength and
splendor o poet Oh father
by thy name of Phoebus that drivest thy chariot through
the heaven of Zeus I invoke thee
by thy name of Odin I invoke thee o warrior of the north, Oh renown of the sargas
by thy name of yaheshua oh child of the flaming star I invoke thee
by thine own thy secret name uri thee I invoke
The names are five, the names are six. eleven are the names
behold I stand in the midst mine is the symbol of Osiris to thee are mine eyes ever turned.
unto the splendor of gebura– the magnificence of chesed the mystery
of da’ath thither I lift up mine eyes
This have I sought and I have sought the unity
hear thou me
mine is the head of the man and my insight is keen as the Hawks.
by my head I invoke thee
I am the only begotten child of my father and mother, by my body
I invoke thee
about me shine the Diamonds of radiance white and pure by
their brightness I invoke thee
mine is the red triangle reversed, the sign given of none save it be of thee O Lord
by the lahrman I invoke thee
mine is the garment of white sewn with gold, the flashing abbi that I wear by my lobe I invoke thee
mine is a sign of Apophis and Typhon, by the sign I invoke thee
mine also is the turban of white and gold and mine the
blue vigor of the intimate air by my crown I invoke thee
my fingers travel on the beads of pearl so run I after thee in thy car of glory by my fingers I invoke thee
I bear the word of double power in the voice of the master Abracadabra. by the word I invoke thee
Mine are the dark blue waves of music in the song that I made of old to invoke thee
strike like the master cord draw draw the flaming sword
Crowned child and conquering Lord Horus Avenger
by the song I invoke
thee in my hand is thy sword of revenge
that it strike at thy bidding by the sword I invoke thee
the voice of the five, the voice of the six, eleven are the voices
Abra Cadabra
therefore I say unto thee come down forth and dwell in me so that every spirit whether of the firmament or of the ether of the earth or under the earth on dry land or in the water of whirling girl or of rushing fire and every spell and scourge of God the vast one may be thou
Abra Cadabra
End of the Invocation of Horus