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The GnosticHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More traditions first emerged in Late Antiquity as syncretic and at time countercultural spiritualities that were often built around the radical reinterpretation of earlier texts and traditions, alongside the message of a divine Saviour. ‘Gnosticism’ itself, rather than being a single religion, is more correctly described as a family of mystical spiritual traditions (each of which took the below points in their own particular directions, see the menu above for more information on these) with certain definitive traits in common. It can be defined in one of two ways, either socialogically as a family of inter-related traditions with a possible common source, or typologically as a set of spiritualities defined by common traits – spiritual ideas that, to Gnostics, are common truths.
Gnostic Esoteric Studies & Work Aids
Free Courses
The Techniques of the original science that creates the Philosophical Stone, the Universal Medicine, the Fountain of Youth, and all alchemical powers.
Without an in-depth knowledge of the Hebrew alphabet we cannot begin to percieve the Scriptures or the Secrets encoded within them.
Through our dreams we recieve hidden messages and guidance from our spiritual guides, but in order to understand we must first acknowledge that we are dreaming.
There are hidden forces in the Kosmos that affect us not only subtly, but wholly. Learn how to benefit and harness these forces with this free course from Glorian.
Foundations of Gnostic Theology
This free ten part course by explores the principles of GnosticHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More theology from the First Century to today, and is read from at each astrological event.
This course by Gnostic Studies delves into 3 books:
- Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
- Practical Astrology by Samael Aun Weor
- Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology by Samael Aun Weor
The basic practical spiritual concepts and rituals of the ancients through all religious and mystical traditions of the past,
Bhavachakra, The Wheel of Becoming
The wheel of life illuminates the inner workings of the mind, which illustrates the source of suffering (samsara) and the liberation from (nirvana).
The Book of Revelation was written for initiates of the secret doctrine which one gains the GnosisHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More through mediatation Kabbalah and alchemy. Unlock these mysteries with this free course by Glorian.
Explore the psychospiritual relationship of Christ with our place in the Universe with explanations of the Pentateuch, Gurdjieff, & the Pistis Sophia with this lecture course by Glorian.
Learn how to study the facts of your own experience to answer the key questions to life and why we suffer.
Learn about the development of the Soul hidden in the bible, kabbalah, zohar and hebrew letters – and how we got to where we are now.
The significance of the Tree of Good and Evil in Kabbalistic terms.
Learn what happens when you die, and in the in-between world.
All Religions teach some form of spiritual protection against negative energies. This Glorian course breaks down the most potent prayers in great detail, so you will know exactly what each word represents as you speak them.
The Passion of Christ, and his crucifiction is more than a historical event, it is something we must do in our chemical laboratory. By Glorian
Everything in Nature is of a sexual origin. This was the teaching of Yeshua in the Book of John, how to be born again though the sexual transfiguration.
The cosmic power of kundalini, tantra, and meditation can be harnessed and be controlled, to unlock your true potential. This course by Glorian enlightens the path and the steps of attainment
Discover the eight-fold path of BuddhaSanskrit बुद्ध past tense from the root budh, mean… More Shakyamuni in this elaborate lecture by Glorian.
The mystery of who MSS was is cleverly hidden behind a veil of Kabbalah. This veil becomes unraveled in this course from Glorian.
To understand the mysteries of the GnosticHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More Gospels you must have an understanding of Kabbalah, Alchemy, and Hebrew.
The pantheon of Gods and Heroes are profound truths about who we are, our souls, and the path to divinity.
The body and mind are separate yet unseparable when it comes to spiritual growth. If you have parasites in your body, they shall control your mind. Learn how to properly treat your vessel as you ascend from lower states of vibration.
Discover whether your spiritual practice is causing you harm or giving you beneficial wisdom in this course by Glorian.
Kabbalah 1, The World of Klippoth
In all religions, there is a lowest sphere – in English we call this “hell”. In, Hebrew, the word is Q’lippoth, meaning “the world of shells.” Understanding the Underworld, we can understand ourselves and our own suffering – and how to liberate from it. Release yourself from the claws of avici with this course by Glorian.
Kabbalah 2, The Twelve Commandments
The Pentateuch tells part of the Story of MSS recieving the commandments of God, but since at that time there was mostly oral communication, the last two are hidden in the 11th and 12th cards of the Tarot. Explore the sepiroth of the Tree of Life, with this enlightening course by Glorian.
In Nature, there are four worlds, also represented as elements or states of mind. This course will light the way in order to show the true and correct path through them. By Glorian.
Kabbalah 4, The Seven Days of Genesis
Glorian explains the 7 days of Creation as told in Beresheth, which was deeply encoded for those that have eyes and ears.
The Book of Bereshit (Genesis) reveals profound ancient wisdom commonly misunderstood by those who cant see or hear. Discover the Truth with Glorian, reconstruction
Moses first five books, were about the different stages of life, continualy misinterpreted and misconstrued over the years. This course by Glorian cracks the sacred teachings wide open to explain the correlations of the Pantheonic religions across the world.
Multiple layers of Laws and Spiritual Tech are required to create this structure we exist in and to provide us the conditions we need to truly grow and manifest in this world.
This step-by-step course shows you how to become self-reliant, self-knowing, and able to tap in at will to your HGA.
Meditation is not supposed to be a difficult task, it is supposed to be the Natural Way. Glorian breaks apart the misconceptions and unveils true meditation for true transformation in this beautiful lecture course.
There are very spicific steps each must take in development of our soul, and one must follow them truly and completely in order to ascend. This course by Glorian breaks those down in great detail, so that we may recieve a new level of being
Christianity and BuddhismThe teachings of Gautama the Buddha. Buddhism today is divid… More break down spiritual liberation from suffering, but their roots both stem from GnosisHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More. In Hebrew, Elijah, or Bodhichitta, The Power of the Awakened Mind, is explored in this magical course by Glorian
Learn how to practice the Great Work through the practice of Yoga as taught by Lord Krisna and Patanjali with Glorian
The Sepher ha Zohar “The Splendour” or “The Beauty” is the Inner teachings of the Judaic religion, implimenting the higher visuals of the meanings in the Pentateuch, revealing instructions on uplifting and purifying One’s Soul
Prophecies of the Days to Come
All ancient cultures have prophecies of great cataclysm and change, but very few know what to do, and even less are prepared. Learn how to get prepped for whats coming in 2040 with Glorian
Ring of the Nibelungen Explained
This course delves deep into the famous Operas of Richard Wagner, where we discover the meaning of the mysteries and symbols embedded into them. By Glorian
Runes are a very magical foundation into our languages and are embedded into each letter, and every path back to God. By Glorian
Sacraments of the Gnostic Church
This course reveals the foundational initiatory rituals of the Church, and the esoteric meanings behind the sacraments, from Glorian
Two of the most important books in religion, Genesis and Revelation reveal the long-supressed presence of Samael. This course unravels the hidden angel. From Glorian
Know One’s Self to Know The World. From Glorian
The beautifully articulated scriptures of the Hindu Culture reveal deep spiritual knowledge weaved in a poetic tapestry of allegory and fantasy. From Glorian
Learn to control and guide your energy for your spiritual development with Glorian
The Secrets of Buddhas Life and the twelve stages that have rarely been revealed are explored in this course by Glorian, explaining the esoteric meanings of his life.
Twenty Two Arcana of Hebrew and Tarot
An explanation of the Principals of the Twenty Two Arcana of Tarot and how they coorelate with the Hebrew alphabet and Kabbalah from Glorian
The First book of The Penteteuch, called “Bereshit” describes two trees foundational to human knowledge, The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, And the Tree of Life. Lets explore these symbolic trees on glorian to complete spiritual development.
Sexology, The Basis of Endocrinology and Criminaloy
Mantras and Rituals
The Lyons Ritual
Fragments for baptism, anointing (chrism/confirmation), and Eucharist
Marcosian apolytrosis/redemption prayers
Dura-Europos Eucharistic fragments (possibly Valentinian)
Odes of Solomon (attributed to Bardaisan)
Rituals and prayers in the Acts of Thomas and the Acts of John suggest a strong GnosticHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More influence on the text and likely represent genuine records of historical liturgies.
Modern GnosticHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More Devotions:
Divine Office of the Apostolic Johannite Church
French Gnostic liturgies (Doinel)
Palm Tree Garden’s prayer resources
Book of the Stranger of the Order of Allogenes
old French Gnostic Catechism, prayers in chapter VII.
Liturgies of the French Eglise Gnostique Chaote
Dream Yoga
Revolutionary Psychology
Buddhism and Its Psychological Teachings
The Trimorphic Protennoia (Three Forms of the First Thought)
The Hypostasis of the Archons (Reality of the Rulers)
The Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit (Gospel of the Egyptians)
The Untitled Text (Gnosis of the Light)
The Treatise on the Resurrection (Epistle to Rheginos)
The Interpretation of Knowledge
The Apocalypse of James
Jeuian Texts
Various GnosticismHarmozel, also called Armozel is one of the four Great Light… More
- The Sophia of Jesus Christ (child of Eugnostos)
- Eugnostos The Blessed
- Thunder, Perfect Mind
- The Gospel of Mary
- The Exegesis On The Soul
- The Apocalypse of Paul
- The Concept of Our Great Power
- The Authoritative Discourse
- The Apocalypse of Peter
- The Letter of Peter To Philip
- The Testimony of Truth
- The Dialogue of The Saviour
- Hypsiphrone
- On Righteousness
- The Great Declaration