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Consecration Ritual
Purification and Consecration
is a ritual cleansing, that has been used since the Capture flood, if not earlier – where priests or shamans would prepare ritualistic tools for ceremony, sacrifice, or invocation of spirit. It is also used to cleanse ritual items of negative vibrations, residual energy picked up in ordinary course, or from a previous spell or ritual.
A tool consecration ritual usually involves a series of steps that may include cleansing, anointing, and charging the object with intent. You may wish to invoke angels or elementals in your pracice – and some practices (like that in the PGM) calls for burial in the graveyard, or even wierder, taking graven soil to use in practice. When you recieve a new tarot deck for example, you begin the connection to your cards by annointing them, some using sage(women) medicago sativa Alfalfa infusions provide high-quali… More or insence, older religions even using cannabis or myrrh.
Dont woory! There’s no necromancy in this post. This step by step guide on how to do a consecration ritual is just going to focus on a few basic practices.
What is Consecration?
According to
Consecration, in general, is an act by which a thing is separated from a common and profane to a sacred use, or by which a person or thing is dedicated to the service and worship of God by prayers, rites, and ceremonies. The custom of consecrating persons to the Divine service and things to serve in the worship of God may be traced to the remotest times. We find rites of consecration mentioned in the early cult of the Egyptians and other pagan nations. Among the Semitic tribes it consisted in the threefold act of separating, sanctifying, or purifying, and devoting or offering to the Deity
Holy Water
(from Angels: Companions in Magic)
You have a few options on how to consecrate your water, and all you need is salt and water. Hold the salt out before you and say: Before Gabriel I banish all negativity and toxin in this salt, through time and the world of phantasm. I cleanse and consecrate this salt in the name of Our great Mother Sophia. So it is.
Draw a banishing pentagram with your finger over the salt and visualize the water being blessed and filling with divine light. Add three pinches to the water bowl, and stir the water clockwise three times with the index finger of your dominant hand.
Lower your athame or sacramental tool (air element) into the water and utter:
As the rod is the god, so the chalice is the goddess. Together they are ONE.
Visualize transmuting the container into divine and holy light. If you are not using an athame, put your index and thumbs together in the form of a triangle. Through this triangle gaze into the bowl, and imagine the brilliant light of the holy ones beaming through the triangle and charging the water
Cleansing and Charging your Altar
The purification of the altar and your tools is a rich part of most religions. To perform the consecration, charge your altar, you need holy water and something that is the representation of the other elements; air, fire, earth, and your annointing oil.
Do the LBRP
Pick up the lit incense and make a banishing pentagram with the incense over the altar, the circle the insence clockwise over the altar nine times. Say the following:
Angel of the east, guardian of eternal healing and wisdom, element of air, I call upon the angel Raphael to cleanse and consecrate this altar stone in the name of Sophia.
Light the candle and utter:
Element of fire work thy will by my desire.
Make a banishing pentagram with the candle over the altar, then pass it nine times over the altar and utter:
Angel of the South, guardian of eternal strength and Godess energy, element of fire, I call upon the angel Michael to cleanse and consecrate this altar stone in the name of Sophia.
Pick up the bowl of water and sprinkle the water over the altar in the shape of a banishing pentagram, then circle the bowl over the altar clockwise nine times saying:
Angel of the West, guardian of earth and its inhabitants, elements of water, I call upon the angel Gabriel to cleanse and consecrate this altar stone in the name of Sophia.
Pick up the bowl of salt and sprinkle the substance over the altar in the shape of a banishing pentagram, then circle the bowl over the altar in a clockwise motion nine times, uttering:
Angel of the North, guardian of the mysteries, elements of earth, I call upon the angel Uriel to cleanse and consecrate this altar stone in the name of Sophia.
Pick up the Annointing Oil and repeat the following:
Blessing Consecration
(from Angels and Archangels by Damien Echols)
Inhale and visualize the earth below you filling up with white light.
As you say “Blessed be your mind, so that it is open and receptive to truth,” draw a cross made of white light on the person’s fore head (or your forehead, in the event that you’re blessing yourself). This cross isn’t like the one used in Christianity—the crossing, perpendicular lines are the samelength (a perimeter around the four terminal points wouldcreate a square, as opposed to a rectangle).
See the light rushing back up from the earth, into your body,out through your hand, and into the cross of light as you draw it.
Inhale, see the earth fill up with white light again, and say, “Blessed be your heart, so that it is open to the giving and receiving of love” while seeing the light move up from the earth, through your body, and into the cross as you draw it over the person’s heart.
Breathe in, imagine that the earth once more is infused with white light, and say, “Blessed be your hands, that they may be strong enough to do the work that will be required of them”while repeating the process described above.
Finally, bless the person’s feet in a similar manner by saying,“Blessed be your feet, so that they may carry you to the completion of your journey.
Then draw a pentacle on all four corners with the annointing oil. Holding your dominant hand over the altar and circle clockwise once for each element, to blend all of the elements together in Spirit. Give three knocks while uttering:
Before Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel, I cleanse and consecrate this altar in the name of Sophia. I do bid the unseen positive angelic hosts to gather close about me, for I do call them forth into this time and this place to make holy this altar before Sophia. Round and about course the positive energies of the universe and through my hands and the hands of the angels doth a permanent current of power pulse.
Direct your attention to the altar, and allow the power to grow and utter:
By the beat of angel wings, the drums of the universe now sound the call of perfection. It is done.
Remove your hands from the altar and make the sign of the equal armed cross over the altar to seal it permanently. As with the end of the LBPR, reach your arms out and enclose your space in the spiritual bubble. Clapping your hands utter: This circle is open, but never broken.
You can also see these other resouces here:
Wigington, Patti. “Consecrate Your Magical Tools.” Learn Religions, Apr. 5, 2023, .