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Chakras – Solar Plexus Chakra
Quick disclaimer: All information on this website are for entertainment and educational purposes only. Do not attempt without consulting a medical professional. Some material may contain affiliate links, and we may get a small compensation if you decide to make a purchase.
The solar plexus, known in Hindu as Manipura is located as the rib cage meets, just below the chest.
Shining like the sun, manipura constitutes the third step on kundalini’s climb toward the heavens. Here a burst of flame draws in prana and transforms it into vital energies that flow throughout the body. And here gather the nadis that control bodily functions and the digestive process.
It is here that is said we mature from our “infancy” in life, and begin to realize our spiritual aspects. According to Anodea Judith, the activation takes place between eighteen months and age three. Hindu system sees activation between 14-21. This center is the basis for striving for personal power.
This can lead one to be of selfless service, or a servant of sorrow. If this energy center is off balance, you might be self-serving too much; or the inverse – not serving yourself enough!
The organ associated with this center is the pancreas, which is not only the center of the digestive system, but what we ingest spiritually as well.
When this band of energies are functioning properly it results in healthy communication, assertiveness, intelligence, decisiveness, productivity and focus. You will have a healthy digestive system, and a healthy relationship with the world.
When it is unbalanced, you might notice low self-esteem, low self-worth, contolling, domineering, egotism, pride, and over-competitiveness.
According to LLewellyn, there is a correct pancreas placement. If it is in the “right” position, you will feel a pulse at the center of the naval. A pulse above and to the left could mean respiratory disordders; to the left, emotional problems; to the right, energy blockages; and finally to the right and below could mean digestive disorders.
Digestive and hormonal problems can be related to this energy center, which could be at dis-ease by your imbalance of personal power and ego. If you read my article, How to Activate your DNA, you are familiar with how your thoughts combine with your sight, and create confirmation biases. When your biases are of low-vibration, you develop self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors. When they are high, you do things that make a difference, or share light.
How To Activate Solar Plexus
- Learn
- Detox
- Fast
- Mental Music
- Gift
- Volunteer
The core building block of the Manipura is development of personal beliefs. As stated before, we absorb information through our eyes and add that to our “story bank.” This is further cemented in place by our internal dialogue. When we indulge limiting beliefs, and engage in mindless chatter like gossip and criticism, we begin to sap energy from this center. To combat this, we need to “stretch” by forming new beliefs. We must challenge our minds, learn new concepts, and hone new skills.
You can update your “story bank” by doing puzzles, leveling up your skillset, and learn new ideas and theories.
Whatever you are digesting needs to be purified if you want to function at a high level. If you are eating junk foods, you are putting toxins into your system. Your organs and cells have to spend a massive amount of energy purging the body of all these toxins, and don’t have the output to perform all of the duties they need to. This leads other systems to “overcompensate” or even shut down to conserve energy. Not only are you letting in toxins in your diet, you may also be letting in parasites like candita, intestinal parasites, or even brain hijacking parasites.
One of the best ways to reset is to perform some form of detoxification. You might want to try:
- colon cleanse
- Blood detox
- detox tea
- diatomaceous earth
- charcoal
Alongside the cleanse, another great way to cleanse your system is to fast. Not only can you “starve out” parasites, you also purge toxins from your fat. A lot of hormones and toxins are stored in your fatty deposits. When you fast your body shifts into a natural cleansing mode, which transmutes white fat into brown fat, which is used for fuel. There are a few natural supplements like Zinjaburn that can help speed up the process. You can read about how these supplements work here.
Mental Music
If you don’t have any digestion problems -yet you still feel off balance in this energy band, you can try listening to some mental music. Instruments like reeds, harps, and horns, are mentally stimulating so classical, jazz, big band, and funk music are helpful to bring you back to balance.
These instruments (especially brass) have a lot of complex elements of sound and are stimulating to parts of the brain, and studies have been shown to increase intelligence and focus. Binaural beats are also a spectacular addition to your spiritual repertoire. There are many free beats on sites like youtube, but there are a lot of non-productive channels that don’t use the correct resonant frequencies. We personally love Zen12 and have been using Brainwave Shots since 2019.
If you are centered in this system, you may already be philanthropic in nature. You are already aware that everything in this Universe is an energetic exchange. If you are out of balance, you might want to try giving more – with no strings attatched. Those strings will take your energy with them. Give just for the gift of giving, and notice how much more favorable the Universe responds to you. Tip more, lend an ear, give more hugs, give some money to the less fortunate!
Along with monetary donation, begin to volunteer your time as well. Arrange beach or park clean-ups, help out on a local farm, offer tutoring or mentorship. While monetizing your skills is truly important, you must realize not everything is about moolah. It’s all about the energy (the only thing you can take with you). Even sharing your life experiences can be the benefit of someone else in ways you’d never know. Counter-intuitive as it may be, but the lighter you are, the more powerful you can get.
Meditations For The Solar Plexus
Mindvalley’s Third Chakra Meditation
- Bring energy up from the center of the Earth through your root, then to your sacrum
- Allow it to fill in your abdomen, igniting your inner sun
- imagine a golden-yellow energy ball lighting up your solar plexus, getting bigger with each exhale
- Picture this ball spining clockwise, 360 degrees, growing until you feel tingling in your upper abdomen
- Say this affirmation: “I trust my intuition and guidance, and follow it wherever it leads me without question and hesitation.”
(If you have trouble visualizing you can stare at the yellow picture in this article)