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Smash and Banish Negativity with this Daily Aura Cleansing Prayer
This Daily Aura Cleansing Prayer is Recommended to say out loud upon waking for 21-days in a row, then whenever as needed or as a daily permanent practice
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In all time, spaces, places, timelines, dimensions, densities, realities, and perceptions across all lifetimes, universes, and planes of existence and thought, NOW and forever…
I unhook my consciousness from all other fields of consciousness that are not of my own, cause me harm directly or indirectly, or do not benefit my growth in positive loving ways, known or unknown NOW.
I remove all remaining resistance to eternal Love.
I remove all fear still stuck in my body, my cells, muscles, blood, bones and DNA.
I remove all unforgiveness and feelings of Being unloved.
I remove all resentment and grief.
I remove all shame and guilt.
I remove all blockages and tension causing stress, illness and disease in my body, my cells, muscles, blood, bones and DNA.
I remove all blame and feelings of not being good enough.
I delete all judgement programs including judgement of others and myself.
I cut all cords with and release the energies of jealousy and competition with myself and others.
I remove all hate and anger stuck in my body, my cells, muscles, blood, bones and DNA.
I sever all contracts, vows, bindings, and cords created in Spirit either consciously or unconsciously that allowed any form of manipulation on or of my being, energies, or consciousness through all time, spaces, places, timelines, dimensions, densities, realities, and perceptions across all lifetimes, universes, and planes of existence and thought, NOW and forever.
I remove spite and revenge energies.
I delete all programs of not feeling good enough or seeking to be better than any other.
I am deleting, unhooking from, removing, and cutting out all remaining implants, devices, entities, false imposters, false Gods and Goddesses, false Gurus and false Ascended Beings, false Angelics, false interdimensional and multidimensional beings and ETs, inserts, attachments, cords, hooks, ties, vows, pacts, contracts, agreements, promises made, ALL and everything that binds me to the old ways of control and manipulation, or any other way that doesn’t serve my highest good and is keeping me from stepping into my full sovereign power, causing me harm in any way, creating obstacles, and preventing me from experiencing my best life.
I remove all remaining resistance to change.
I remove all that blocks me from loving myself and others more deeply.
I remove all that blocks me from accepting and receiving Divine Love with welcoming open arms into my life with Gratitude.
I delete all outdated programs and thought-patterns, all belief systems, templates, blueprints and behavioral patterns that keep me in perpetual loops of suffering and keep me experiencing old Timelines, beliefs, and Experiences that no longer serve me on my true path as a Sovereign Divine Being.
I overwrite and override all lesser DNA blueprinting, all lesser codes and keys within everyone of my cells, mitochondria, molecules, atoms, atomic and subatomic particles and waves and all the spaces in between, known and unknown, across all time, spaces, places, timelines, dimensions, densities, realities, and perceptions across all lifetimes, universes, and planes of existence and thought, NOW and forever.
I unhook and sever cords with everyone and everything that is not in alignment and harmony with my highest good, is not serving a positive purpose for learning and growth, and does not reflect my Original Divine Soul Blueprint and Templates now, and I trust that my Guides will assist me with a gentle transition as they exit my life.
I now allow all mentors and higher guidance that is aligned with positive consciousness of Unity, Love, Divinity, and of the purest vibrations of the Universe to come into my life for my highest good and the highest good of all.
I remove all programming keeping me from using my special and unique gifts to serve humanity and Mother Earth for the highest good of all.
I am removing all interferences and distortions.
I am removing all and everything that is standing in my way from becoming the happiest, joyful, peaceful and positive version of myself now.
I am removing all lower thought forms trying to discourage me, criticize me, and hold me back in any way.
I remove all worries, all tension, all anxiety.
I NOW integrate ALL OF ME and receive all necessary codes, keys, activations and healing that is needed and ready for me to receive at this time with grace and ease.
I am now installing new programs of Unity, Trust, Joy, Harmony, Peace, Authenticity, Sovereignty, Eternal Love, Great Compassion, Self-Love, Healing, Acceptance, and Divine Oneness where they are needed as directed by my Higher Self in my mind, my body, my cells, muscles, blood, bones, DNA, templates, and blueprints.
I make space for my True Self to emerge as the embodied Bodhisattva Christ Eternal Love Being that I AM.
I give myself the grace and ease to integrate all these necessary changes and activations with unconditional Love and Acceptance, and through my healing may all Sentient Beings be blessed as well.
Pure Source Love.
I NOW shield and seal my aura, psyche, all bodies, home, environment, and all of my energies from harmful and or meddling interferences by all outside energies throughout all time, spaces, places, timelines, dimensions, densities, realities, and perceptions across all lifetimes, universes, and planes of existence and thought, NOW and forever.
For as long as I am a sentient being, may my merits, healing and growth benefit ALL sentient beings.