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One of the most prolific women in neuroplasticity research, Carol Dweck, determined that there were two basic mindstates around success: Growth-oriented and fixed mindsets. These two schools of thought describe the belief systems of people around intelligence, life outcomes, and failure.
Growth Mindset
A growth mindset is “the understanding that abilities and understanding can be developed” (Mindset Works, n.d.) If you have a growth mindset you believe that you can get smarter, more skillful, more charming, whatever – if you put your mind to it and follow through with action.
Fixed Mindset
People with fixed mindsets believe that they “are what they are” and will only go so far in life. Fixed mindsets believe that there are “haves” and “have nots”, and only because they have access to more resources, connections, more looks, height, etc. they win, and you don’t.
Yes, there are some cases that someone just wins the freaking genetic lottery, gets a great hand in life, but for the most part a lot of us don’t get a fair shake.
Growth vs Fixed Mindset
The biggest differences in the mindsets are not even so much the thinking, but the behaviors. People with growth mindsets typically work very hard, ask deep questions, and try to learn everything about the world around them.
Fixed mindsets typically stand around and small talk, gossip, complain, and tend to be negative. They don’t work very hard, and won’t get very good results. People that have fixed mindsets tend to give up and quit, and are threatened by others’ success.

How To Have A Growth Mindset
- Develop Your Self Belief.
Understand your skills and belief systems, your capabilities, and the potential you have yet to be tapped. 20% of our potential is conscious, the remaining 80 is subconscious.
- Open Your Mind’s Eye
You need to harness your awareness of the unknown, embrace challenges, and your capacity for evolution. Your self-awareness is key in understanding your world and manipulating energy.
- Stay 7.
From birth until about age 7, we are a sponge. Our brains are in the alpha and delta frequencies, basically in a stage of hypnosis. We explore the World in a blissful wonder, without biases or fears. Be curious and never stop learning, looking at the World in awe.
- Challenge is your new best friend.
People have a negative connotation around failure. It isn’t failure that is bad; it is failing at the same thing over and over, without making adjustments. It was said, ” The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over, and expecting different results.” Instead of beating yourself up after failures, see them as an opportunity for growth. There are 2 L’s – Lessons and Losses. Take the L, and apply it to the next endeavor.
- Learn Joy
It is easier to succeed when you are super passionate about what you are doing. Do what you love, and love what you are doing. In the previous chapter, we captured what your ikigai was. Now that you know your purpose, these little things should bear no weight. Even if you have to flip burgers at McDonald’s, be the best McDonald’s employee you can be – for you know where you are going!
- Practice Star Power
Obsessive Focus
Will Power
- Take Absolute Ownership
Once you realize the game is all about your mind, you start to win. If people around you are not your teammates and cheerleaders, you need to become a free agent. Everything is your fault. Accept it, take the hit, and keep it pushing. Two secrets will unveil.
If you stay true to these 8 principles, you will start to unlock the power of a growth mindset. You might experience some fatigue or brain fog, and feel uneasy about the things going on upstairs. This is natural. Your brain is rewiring itself and using a lot of energy.