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72 Angels of the Zodiac
The 72 angels of the Zodiac, or Sham Hamephorash is also called the 72 Names of God. It isn’t the literal name of God, which is inutterable, rather a set of powerful mantras that tap into each angel (photon) in differing spiritual planes.
According to Wikipedia,
It is derived from Exodus 14:19–21, read boustrophedonically to produce 72 names of three letters. This method was explained by Rashi, as well as in Sefer HaBahir (c. 1150~1200). Kabbalist legends state that the 72-fold name was used by Moses to cross the Red Sea, and that it could grant later holy men the power to cast out demons, heal the sick, prevent natural disasters, and even kill enemies.
These angels should be visualized as lesser versions of the Archangels in correspondence. Each has color association and their ruling dates
angels of the zodiac: THE ANGELS OF ARIES
The angels of Aries are all associated with the color red.
March 21 to March 25 – He governs the first rays of the Sun. For assistance in developing wisdom, especially wisdom pertaining to thearts and sciencesFor help engaging and completing any difficult task.
March 21 to March 25- To defend against unjust attacks by those who are jealous or malicious; For assistance in experiencing passionate sex.
March 31 to April 4 – Invoked for protection against wild animals. For help with any kind of adversityTo encourage people to keep their word
April 5 to April 9 – He rules over voyages and maritime expeditions. His corresponding angel is Senacher. To rid magicians of troubles that plague their thoughts; To make travels and voyages flow more smoothly.
April 10 to April 14 – To help bring peace to any relationship. For assistance in learning new subjects quickly and understanding them
April 15 to 20 April – An angel of the zodiac exercising dominion over love, art, science and fortune. We appeal to this being of light for good luck and good fortune; To increase ambition or to help you achieve your ambition; For assistance in gaining fame and fortune within your chosen field.
angels of the zodiac: THE ANGELS OF TAURUS
The angels of Taurus are all associated with the color reddish-orange.
April 21 to May 21 – the angel of patience and discoverer of the secrets of nature. In the New Testament Achaiah is a Roman Province. Paul visited the churches in that region. (Acts 18:12, 27) For patience; To learn any secrets pertaining to nature; For perseverance while undertaking difficult tasks
April 26 to May 21 In the Cabala generally he is often invoked to increase or improve crops. To dispel negative energy directed at you from others; To drive away any nonhuman evil entities that seek to cause harm
May 1 to May 5 – A Cherub invoked to obtain the pity of God. He is one of 72 angels bearing the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. When equated with Bernael, he is an angel of darkness. In 1st Chronicles 23:9 Haziel is mortal, an offspring of the Gershonites. The Cabalists very likely drew the name from this source. To gain the favor of those in positions of power and authority; To ensure that promises made to you are kept.
May 6 to May 10 – For help in keeping secrets hidden. To help heal from diseases
May 11 to May 15 – In the Cabala, an angel of the order of Thrones; also of the order of Cherubim. More correctly, he formerly belonged to these orders. He influences savants and great personages. For the power to overcome enemies; To develop fame and renown for a particular talent.
May 16 to May 20 – An angel of the order of Cherubim. He influences thoughts and reveals hidden mysteries to mortals; To gain answers to questions through dreams; For turning enemies into friends.
angels of the zodiac: THE ANGELS OF GEMINI
The angels of Gemini are all associated with the color orange.
May 22 to May 25 – To repair damaged friendships or reunite quarreling loversTo inspire writers.
May 26 to May 30 – For the protection of prisoners; To deliver justice and free the oppressed
June 1 to June 5 – Angel with dominion over tame beasts. He is invoked against impieties. He rules science and the arts and is of the order of Cherubim. To bring peace to any situation.
June 6 to June 10 – One of the Cherubim (invoked against traitors) and Guardian Angel of France. His corresponding angel is Verasua; To prevent betrayal and thwart oppressors; To ensure that you are treated with dignity.
June 11 to June 15 – In the Cabala, an angel of the order of Thrones; also of the order of Cherubim. More correctly, he formerly belonged to these orders. He influences savants and great personages. To help you or others deal with despair, depression, and sorrow; To create music that is emotionally moving.
June 16 to June 21 – One of the Throne angels serving in the Second Heaven, invoked to bring prompt help during adversity. To make you less visible, especially to anyone intending to do you harm: To make innocence apparent in courts of law.
angels of the zodiac: THE ANGELS OF CANCER
The angels of CancerThe part of this plant to use is the root. It is active for … More are all associated with the color yellow.
June 23 to July 23 – To inspire love in both friends and enemies. For assistance in making good decisions
June 27 to July 1 – An angel invoked to convert non-Christians to Christianity. He rules theology and morals; To help find joy in life; To help “seekers” find the spiritual path most appropriate for them; To assist in the study of religion and theology.
July 2 to July 6 – A Fallen Angel who in Hell, teaches astronomy, mathematics, and geography, to his fellow demons. To protect your name against slander: To protect your property against thieves
July 7 to July 11 – To help bring renown or fame for talents and skills; To get your work known by the general public.
July 12 to July 16 -For protection against any type of weapon
July 17 to July 22 – To repel insects, rodents, and other vermin; To help in the study of magick.
angels of the zodiac: THE ANGELS OF LEO
The angels of Leo are all associated with the color gold.
July 24 to July 27: – A poet-angel of the order of Dominations. He is invoked by pronouncing any of the divine names along with the 1st verse of Psalm 9. He is in charge of occult sciences, delivers prophecies in rhyme, and exercises influence over wise men who love peace and solitude. To discover secrets or other forms of hidden information, which is often revealed during dreams; For the revelation of novel magickal techniques and practices
July 28 to August 1 – An angel of the order of Dominations. He rules over diplomacy and ambassadors, For victory in lawsuits and legal matters; To influence politicians, diplomats, and bureaucrats.
August 2 to August 6 – YERATEL – An angel of the order of Dominations (Dominions). He “propagates light, civilization, and liberty.” To deliver one from the hands of enemies; To spread knowledge through writing; To gain fame and recognition to things written.
August 7 to August 12 – An angel who provides protection against sickness and fire. He also governs longevity. To protect your health and defend against illnesses; For the required strength and inner peace to make it through natural disasters.
August 13 to August 17 – An angel of the order of Dominations; To defend against enemies, especially those who may be unseen; To discover the plots and plans of enemies
August 18 to August 22 – An angel who multiplies species, perpetuates races and influences Chemists. There is some question as to whether Omael is a Fallen or Upright Angel. Data available suggests he seems to operate in both domains. To help deal with sorrow; To gain patience in difficult times; For help in letting go of past failures and moving on.
angels of the zodiac: THE ANGELS OF VIRGO
The angels of Virgo are all associated with the color dark green.
August 24 to 28 August – An angel in control of vegetation and agriculture. To help you retain whatever you study; For assistance in passing through crowds unseen.
August 29 to September 2 – In the Cabala, an angel who rules over justice, nobility, magistrates, and lawyers. To defend against untrue accusations, especially within the court system
September 3 to September 7 – In the Zohar, one of the chief angelic envoys. He descends with myriads of attending angels for the purpose of bearing aloft the souls of the persons about to die, or who have just died. He is a beneficent Angel of Death. To discover those who may have betrayed you, or to thwart the plans of those who are attempting to do so; To aid in manifesting desires in the material realm.
September 8 to September 12 – Once of the order of Powers (Potentates), he protects crowned heads and makes subjects obedient to their superiors. To curb angerA major affliction, one of the three poisons in Buddhism…. More, both your own and that of others; To bring calm to a situation; To halt the disintegration of a relationship.
September 13 to September 17 – To regain the friendship or goodwill of someone you have offended; To ensure that something is shared equally.
September 18 to September 23 – An angel of the order of Powers; Menadel keeps exiles faithful or loyal to their native land. To maintain a job; To protect prisoners
The angels of Libra are all associated with the color pale green.
September 24 to October 23 – ANIEL – One of the numerous angelic guards of the gates of the West wind. To communicate with others effectively; To obtain victory without resorting to physical combat
September 29 to October 3 – An angel of the order of Powers. He dominates religious cults and “protects all those who seek the truth.” To acquire prosperity; To preserve physical health.
October 4 to October 8 – An angel of the order of Powers. He rules over health and longevity, and inspires respect for one’s parents. For longevity; To heal any form of illness
October 9 to October 13 – For freedom from imprisonment; To increase psychic intuition; For assistance in the publishing industry.
October 14 to October 18 – also spelled Hahael and this angel in an angel of the order of Virtues. To stop the plans of enemiesTo prevent slander
October 19 to October 23 – An angel who influences the decisions of monarchs, nobles, and governors; also useful in uncovering conspiracies against states. To uncover conspiracies; To influence those with political power; To provide safe passage
The angels of Scorpio are all associated with the color blue-green.
October 24 to October 28 – An angel of the order of Principalities. To bind or destroy the plans of enemies; For assistance when dealing with a cruel superior
October 29 to November 2 – To assist in manifesting any desire; To ensure its success, when invoked at the beginning of any new endeavor.
November 3 to November 7 – In the Cabala, a Fallen angel once of the order of Virtues. He has (or had) dominion over vegetables. When invoking him, and for the best results, it is advisable to recite a verse from Psalm 93. To repel curses and other forms of negativity directed toward you; To help and comfort those who have been humiliated
November 8 to November 12 – Ranks as one of the 7 Princes who rule the waters and is “Earth’s Great Lord.” In occult writings, he is the “3rd archon of the winds.” He is also the angel who assists Raphael in the cure of disease. He is in charge of punishment in the Lower World, controls demons, and is ruler of winds. In practical Cabala he is regarded as originally of the order of Virtues. He is known to be a conglomerate of Anael and Uriel, a Sprite, and a Rebel Angel, according to different sources. To clarify or bring into focus what you truly desire during times ofconfusion (often revealed in the form of dreams)
November 13 to Novemeber 17 – ASALIAH In the Cabala, an angel of the order of Virtues, under the ethnarchy of Raphael. He has dominion over justice. To make the truth known in any situation; To create loveTo receive omens about the future.
November 18 to November 22 – MIHAEL – In the Cabala, an angel in control of conjugal fidelity and fertility. He belongs to the order of Virtues. To ease tensions and strife in a troubled marriage; To increase passion and sensuality
angels of the zodiac: THE ANGELS OF SAGITTARIUS
The angels of Sagittarius are all associated with the color blue.
November 23 to November 27 – An angel of the order of Principalities; To exalt the magician; To humble or dominate any situation that involves strong personalities; To rise above aggression.
November 28 to December 2 – An angel of the order of Principalities. He exercises dominion over lawyers. For aid in any legal situation
December 3 to December 7 – To learn the true secret of the Philosopher’s Stone, which elevates the soul.
December 8 to December 12 – IMAMIAH – In the Cabala, an angel of the order of Principalities, or rather and ex-angel of that order, since he is fallen. In Hell he supervises and controls voyages,and destroys and humiliates enemies, when he is invoked to do so, or is so disposed. For patience and strength while undergoing adversities; To weaken the power of those who would seek to victimize you.
December 13 to December 16 – In practical Cabala, one of the Principalities. Exercises dominion over the great sciences, influences philosophers and ecclesiastics. To help masterOne who is skilled in the Wisdom of life, or one who is no l… More a skill, or to teach that skill to another.
December 17 to December 21 – NITHAEL – In the Cabala, an angel formerly of the order of Principalities. The prevailing belief is that Nithael joined Satan during the rebellion in Heaven and that now, in Hell, he governs emperors and kings, also civil and ecclesiastical personages of the highest rank. To gain recognition for your art, especially writing of any kind; For long life.
The angels of Capricorn are all associated with the color indigo.
December 22 to December 26 – An angel who exercises dominion over morality and religion. He also helps those desiring offspring. To help you as a magician win awards and acclaim in your particular fieldof interest, or to help someone else do the same; To obtain rightful compensation.
December 27 to December 31 – An angel of the order of Principalities. He rules over fortune and philosophy. To obtain any desire
January 1 to January 5 – This sacred being is a guardian angel of all those who fight for just causes. He is especially protective towards people who defend the rights of those who cannot defend themselves, such as animals and children. When an injustice is done towards anyone, including ourselves, we can pray to Nemamiah to right the wrong. For general prosperity; To help with fatigue
January 6 to January 10 -To ease the pain of sorrow and help the heart to quickly heal; To influence those within the realm of finance.
January 11 to January 15 – This radiant one protects libraries, archives, schools and universities. Harahel opens our minds and hearts to new ideas while inspiring humankind to use this knowledge in life-affirming ways. For help in having a child or matters concerning fertility; For assistance in business dealings.
January 16 to January 20 – One of the archangels in Cabalistic lore. Induces obedience on the part of inferiors toward superiors. For protection against those who would persecute or bully you.
angels of the zodiac: THE ANGELS OF AQUARIUS
The angels of Aquarius are all associated with the color violet.
January 21 to January 25 – In the Cabala, Umabel is said to have dominion over physics and astronomy. To obtain friendshipTo transform a romantic relationship into a friendship when you don’t sharein the other person’s feelings
January 26 to January 30 – This shining one inspires meditation and illumination. Iahhel watches over philosophers and those who seek a retreat from worldly pursuits. For those who have difficulty meditating, pray to Iahhel for help just before you begin your meditative practice. To acquire wisdom; For assistance in understanding philosophy; To pass unnoticed through the streets.
January 31 to February 4 – An angel who protects commerce, bankers, commission brokers, etc. For a good outcome in any situation involving commerce or banking; To protect a business or make good business deals.
February 5 to February 9 – An angel who protects university professors, orators and authors. For help in any project involving writing, especially literature such asnovels; To help spread your writing to a wider audience.
February 10 to February 14 – An angel of the order of angels with dominion over naval construction. To ward against malicious magick; For success in any venture that involves being on or near water.
February 15 to February 19 – Angel of aquatic animals. To find any object that has been lostFor the prevention of nightmares.
The angels of Pisces are all associated with the color crimson.
February 20 to February 24 – An angel with dominion over occult sciences, longevity, etc. One of the 72 angels bearing the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. His corresponding angel is Abiou. When Eiael is conjured up, the invocant must recite the 4th verse of Psalm 36. For endurance during times of adversity; To break free from any situation in which you feel stuck; To increase fame.
February 25 to February 28 – An angel who exercises dominion overagriculture and fecundity. To speed up recovery time from illnesses; For assistance in any matter concerning agriculture.
March 1 to March 5 – An angel who finds lost objects; To discover the identity of thieves
March 6 to March 10 – In Solomonic Goetic rites, a great angel invoked by the use of incantatory power of the name of the angel Uriel. To find inner peace and a sense of calm in the middle of chaotic circumstances.
March 11 to March 15 – For greater proficiency in magick; To repel harmful magick directed at you by others.
March 16 to March 20 – This angel presides over the sciences of medicine and physics. Mumiah is traditionally believed to grant health and longevity, as well as being able to suspend physical laws to create miracles. To help ensure success in any endeavor, especially those involving magick
Angels and Archangels, A Magician’s Guide – Damien Echols
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